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As I walk into the lunchroom, I immediately feel someone pull on my arm.

"Zayniee, sit with us pwease." I hear Perrie whine. I sigh. She's so clingy lately. She let go of my arm.

"Babe, I promised Harry I'd sit with 'em." I tell her, starting over to where Harry and the rest of the boys were.

"Zayn! Your always with Harry! You my boyfriend!" She says, spitting out Harry's name like venom.

What she said was not true at all. Lately, I've been spending time with Perrie more than I have with Harry and he's been there for me since primary school.

"That's not true Perrie. I'll sit with you tomorrow." I say, walking off quickly before she could respond. I'm gonna be in so much trouble with her. I slid in next to Harry and threw my arm, playfully, around his neck.

"Hey Z. Looks like ya got her pretty damn mad." Harry says, motioning to Perrie. I turned my head and saw Perrie's red face glaring directly at me.

I quickly turned my head away and reluctantly removed my arm from around Harry.

Oh god, I'm doing it again.

Since about a month ago, I started having these weird feelings around Harry that I used to have with Perrie.

I'm not gay and Harry of all people. Not good. Not that I'm against being gay! My best friend is gay for goodness sake.

I've come to the conclusion that I have a tiny crush on Harry and I need it to go away before it grows.

"Yeah. I'll just deal with her later." I say.

"What did you say?" Harry asks, giving me a look. I shrug.

"Just told her that I promised you I'd sit with you." I reply. His deep green eyes lightened for a split second, indicating he was happy.

Yeah. I know. I've known him so long, I can tell his emotions by his eye color. Yup, pretty odd.

"Zayn, don't give her up that easily. She's really popular." Jake, my friend, says. I look at him and shrug. But out of the corner of my eyes I see Harry look away. Eh, he probably just saw some hot guys across the room.

"Dunno. She's getting a little bitchy lately." I say. I look over at Harry and my eyes instantly meet his lips. Oh how I wish I could ki- No. Stop Zayn. He's your BEST friend. Not BOYfriend.

"She'll come crawling back don't worry. Your too hot for her too handle." Harry joked. Even though he was just teasing me, I couldn't help but blush.

"You'll be a soccer practice today right?" I ask the boys. They all nod but Harry doesn't. "Harry?"

"Oh. Um yeah." He replies. I give him a 'you okay?' look and he just shrugs. I brush it off and the bell rings.

"See you lads." We all say, rising from our seats and walking to our next class.

My next class is one of my favorite. Music. And mostly because I get to spend it with Harry.


"Alright, lads and ladies, settle down." Mr. Parks shouted across the room. Everyone immediately stopped talking and stared bullets at him.

He was a pretty good-looking guy. He's about 25, short brown hair, deep brown eyes and a beautiful smile. And, he's a new teacher.

"He's hot." Harry whispered in my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck. I sigh in pleasure and laughed, silently. I simply nodded. He chuckled and scooted closer to me, since Mr. Parks had us sit on the floor. Harry placed his hand behind me and leaned back. I couldn't help but feel butterflies as he accidentally brushed against me.

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