Part 1: its okay to not remember

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"Bakubro, you need to come out of your room." Shitty hair knocked on my door as I shook my head to myself. "Fuck off," I growled, closing my eyes. "You've missed a week of class, dude." Spark-face agreed. "Yeah well, that's none of your business." I muttered, knowing if I went to school I'd have to face Deku. "Look bro, we know it's hard right now-" I shot up from my bed, speeding to the door before throwing it open. "You have no idea." I growled, feeling steam rise from my hands. I looked at both of the idiots as they stared up at me. "Then come with us and show us." Shitty hair smiled, reaching out his hand. "What?" I was taken aback, looking at the two dumbasses. "You're depressed. You should come with us." Electro brain smiled up at me. "I'm not depressed." I muttered, crossing my arms. "Uh huh." The sarcasm in Shitty Hair's voice made me frown. "Mr. Aizawa said that you were excused for the week since he knows this will be difficult for you." He sighed, "But, you need to come back today." Electro brain said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I let out a sigh. I guess it can't be helped.
"Fine, just give me a minute to get ready."
The halls felt empty without that annoying idiot following me around. Instead I had two irrelevant fools glued to my sides. "You guys can give me some space, you know." I growled, attempting to shove them away from me. "I read somewhere physical affection decreases depression leve-" "I'm not depressed!" I snapped, shoving them off as we approached class 1-A. I swung the door open, looking over at our teacher.
"Bakugou, you're late. You two as well." Eyebags groaned, pointing up at the lesson. I scoffed, Turing to see my seat in front of Deku. My palms started to sweat.
His head was resting on his arms as he laid on his desk. I sucked in my lower lip and blinked.
Back to how it used to be.
Back to when I hated him.
Back to when he-
He doesn't even know I exist anymore.
I wiped my shaking hands on my jeans before walking past Deku. I threw myself onto my chair, allowing my feet to swing onto my desk. I could hear Four Eyes scoff at me. I let out a sigh, letting my hands come to the back of my neck.
Play it cool, Katsuki.
I could hear him breathing behind me, his pen scratching at his notes as it usually did.
It was like we never happened.
A part of me wanted to turn around an yell at him for not recognizing me.
The other part of me wanted to hold him close and scream into his hair.
"Bakugou." Eyebags caught me off guard. "What?" I scoffed, looking up at my pale teacher. "We all know you went through some difficult times recently. So don't be afraid to sit out during your next few classes."
I shook my head.
A few periods passed as shitty hair followed me out of English. "You know, maybe one of these days his memories will come back." He smiled as we walked through the halls. "I doubt that. He hasn't even looked at me." I muttered, looking down at my hands. "I can't even imagine bro," he sighed, his hand coming to rub the back of his neck.
I froze, my gaze falling upon Deku who was standing next to the lockers with Icy-Hot. I watched as that green-haired idiot reached up to pat Icy-Hot on the head. "Midoriya, what are you-" "You looked sad, so I was hoping to cheer you up." Deku smiled, causing the half and half idiot to blush. I shook my head before stomping past them. "Tch, I can't believe him." I grumbled, turning to look at Shitty hair. "I'm sorry you had to see that-" "see what?" I growled, "it doesn't matter to me what Deku does anymore." I spat, pushing past the doors and into the sun.
"You don't need to keep acting like things are okay, Bakugou." He panted as he tried to keep up.
"I'm fine." I mumbled, clenching my hands into fists to stop the trembling.
"Let's just forget this happened." I whispered, wiping the sweat from my forehead. He nodded, looking down at his feet as we continued to where All Might had told us to meet him.
"Haha, welcome students!" He smiled, his hands on his hips. "Today I was hoping to get in some training." He chuckled, making eye contact with Deku. "Do you all remember the first exercise we did together?" He asked, pointing to the building.
The villain exercise.
"Ah, I remember sir! The exercise where Uraraka and Midoriya teamed up, right?" Ponytail smiled up at the number one hero.
He nodded, "So you do remember." He grinned, "This time I will be assigning new teams!"
How did we get here?
I stood facing Deku, determination lighting up in his eyes. "I can't believe he assigned us as partners! We'll make a good hero team!" He laughed, "so erm, what's your quirk?" He asked, his hands coming together as he smiled up at me. It felt like daggers every time he reminded me our memories were gone. "Explosion." I muttered, looking down at my hands. "Oh! That's so cool! How does it work? How do you make it explode and where from your body can you cause these explosions? Do you know any of Kirishima's weaknesses? We can beat them-" "god, you really don't know when to shut up." I groaned, looking up at the sky.
All Might, I'm going to get you back for this.
"The explosions come from my hands after I've finished sweating nitroglycerin from my palms. You know Icy hot better than I do, so you should know his weaknesses." I sighed, "As for Kirishima, he doesn't have any weaknesses. Though, he tends to overuse his hardening."
"Ohhh! So if we continue to make him use his hardening we can tire him out." He continued to rant about our plan until the alarm went off, telling us it was time to go.
"Bakugou, let's go down this way." It hurt worse knowing my nickname was no longer in his head. "I'm not following you." I exclaimed, continuing down the hallway. "Wait how are you planning to go at this?" He asked, grabbing at the side of my gauntlet. "Without your damn help." I muttered, shoving his hand off of me. "We're a team! We need to work together-" "we don't need to do anything together." I snapped, turning to see his small figure as his eyebrow rose in confusion. "Why are you so angry?" He asked, his hand coming back to my gauntlet. "Tch, I'm not angry. I just can't stand weaklings like you." I grumbled, seeing his face turn a light shade of red. "Weak?" He let out a small scoff.  My eyes widened as he stood up tall. "I survived many real villain attacks, I've saved several people from meeting their ends." He spat at me, his hands clenching into fists. "And I don't recall you doing a single thing. And now, you can't even man up enough to work together with me!" He snapped, crossing his arms. "That's because you don't remember me." I explained, bending down to his level. "You're shaking. Trying to act tough when you know damn well I could overpower you." I grinned, grabbing his chin with my index finger and thumb.
I want to kiss him.
He shoved my hand away, "Don't touch me like that." He muttered, "and what do you mean I don't remember you?" He asked, looking up at me with a confused expression. His eyes were squinting, like he was trying to concentrate on my image.
"You're trying to confuse me." He whispered, his hands beginning to shake. "I-I don't know you, I've only just seen you today." It looked like he was about to break down. His body was trembling, it reminded me of the night the power went out. "Deku, wait, are you alright?" I felt my chest clench as he fell to his knees. He let out a yell as he held his head in his hands. "No, no, no, no." He sobbed, his forehead hitting the floor. "I don't remember, I don't remember!" His cries filled the hallways, I was sure the villains could hear us. I squatted beside him, looking at his shivering frame. "Hey, Deku-" "leave me alone! It hurts!" He sobbed, his hand clenching to his chest.
"Bakugou! What's going on?" Icy hot's voice called to me from the end of the hallway. "It's Deku! What's happening to him?" I called, standing up and away from the idiot. His cries filled my head, reminding me of the pain he's been feeling since we rescued him.
Icy hot bent down to Deku's level as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Deku's arms immediately flung around him. "It's okay Midoriya, stop crying. It's okay, remember what we talked about? What to do when we have these episodes?" Deku nodded into Icy-Hot's shirt. "I-I'm okay," Deku breathed, "it's okay to not remember, it's normal to not remember." Deku continued to say these words over and over until his breathing went back to normal. "It's okay to not remember." He mumbled as Icy hot lifted him onto his back.
"We're going to take a moment outside."

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