Chapter 007

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« prince charming »

Jinyeol might or might not have been regretting life choices

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Jinyeol might or might not have been regretting life choices. Especially the one where she chose to boldly befriend the icy guy just because his cold aura was tempting her to be around him.

Staring at her reddish hands with full embarrassment, the youngster suffered all alone as her body heated up with the blazing rush of adrenaline.

❝ Urgh, just tell me so if you didn't wanna be friends you punk! ❞ She whisper-shouted, all alone to herself in the bedroom while recalling the recent incident that happened right in front of her house.

How ashamed Han Jinyeol felt for the first time in her life since no one had ever turned her down like this before.


❝ Let's be friends and help each other out. ❞ The girl flooding with high expectations asked as her lips curved into a small crescent, hoping that Sunghoon wouldn't get the wrong idea and misunderstand her of course. She simply just wanted to be friends........or either get affected by his contagious coldness which she'd been wishing for her whole life.

The stunned boy halted his actions before contacting Jinyeol's blazing orbs with his. ❝ What? ❞ The baffled guy asked since he had no idea why she suddenly wanted to befriend him out of the blue. Did she figure out about his popularity and fame by now? Was that why she's suddenly treating him nicely?

With an awkward smile, Jinyeol quirked her thick and fuzzy brows for him to accept their handshake which was likely to be unrequited since she seemed like the only one who's trying.

❝ I said, let's be friends. ❞ Inching closer to the unresponsive boy, Jinyeol hoped that she wouldn't get wronged by other assumptions he'd have on the occurence. It's not like accepting a confession anyways.

❝ Why though? Was this guy really against the idea of becoming friends with her? She didn't have that much of a bad reputation except for being short-tempered and impatient according to her temperature. Sighing an exhalation out loud, the girl was trying her best to stay calm and persistent if that would work.

Still not giving her smile up, the fierce female was input to realize that she might've been too passionate in front of him. Usually of Jinyeol, she wasn't hyper over such little pieces of stuff or around strangers. He just seemed cool and a wanting in her eyes.

❝ Is there a reason needed for me to befriend you? I just wanted to hit you up with being friends since you seem like a cool and nice dude. And even more to add it, we both have different disorders which could advantage each other by sticking around. ❞ Pointing out her necessary reasons, the youngster's hands were getting tired of this dude's procrastination. Did she seem like a naggy admirer to him so that he's declining all of her offers by swirling around with random excuses-

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