Chapter 001

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(A/n;Y'all having high hopes on the rewritten version is making me kinda scared cuz i can't assure u guys that it'll be better😔🙏)

(A/n;Y'all having high hopes on the rewritten version is making me kinda scared cuz i can't assure u guys that it'll be better😔🙏)

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« caught off guard »

Sunghoon froze right at the spot, recalling his mind that he'd come across the heat-processed within the small amount of skinship although the moment was temporary

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Sunghoon froze right at the spot, recalling his mind that he'd come across the heat-processed within the small amount of skinship although the moment was temporary.

No way.

Nobody could ever make him feel a natural warmth, unlike this young lady whose body was fiery just by a small touch.

The ethereal lady glided her eyes down in embarrassment since his powerful gaze was piercing through her soul as if he could analyze her hidden secrets internally.

Jinyeol immediately shot up a complex gaze at the frozen male who's unable to process what just happened as he anxiously licked his lips.

He felt a weird sensation when their skin connected for a flickering period. The same went for Jinyeol as she felt her fiery temperature decreasing gradually as if she got cooled down by his contagious coldness.

His chilly aura was indeed something admirable for an overheated person like Jinyeol.... It indeed felt so unreal that she just witnessed a deadly cold person's skin dominating over her mindset as she crept a confused expression.

❝ If you excuse me then, I-I'll get going! ❞ There were no excuses needed to panic over such interaction but Jinyeol felt her cheeks burning up in front of the insanely handsome stranger. By that, she meant REALLY handsome as his face could easily be remarked as angelic in anyone's perspective.

Sunghoon lowkey was disappointed that his warmth drifted away just like that when the little miss stranger just bowed politely towards him in a respectful manner. But he could also be overthinking such thoughts that she's being warm enough to heat up freezing skin when he's mistaken. Who knows? Maybe he's fuming with joy too much that his best pal returned to South Korea.

MELTING.┃ park sunghoon ✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora