Chapter 006

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If Jinyeol had to be honest, this generous guy was really strong enough to carry her with a stable balance

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If Jinyeol had to be honest, this generous guy was really strong enough to carry her with a stable balance. And the extra benefit of receiving a piggyback ride from him was his cold temperature which felt like 10 air-conditioners blasting at her at the same time. She knew it's weird because it felt like a first experience of feeling the cold.

It felt so cool and she loved the wintry feeling which she'd never felt before. The girl swore to god that something's up with her irregular body temperature. But she didn't bother weirding Sunghoon out with her words that clearly made no sense to him.

It always decreased whenever she's around this guy and the next moment, she's a burning mess again whenever she departed from him.

Things were unnecessarily complicated for her to comprehend. ❝ You seem to be enjoying this piggyback ride. ❞ He commented as it alarmed Jinyeol to stay put with her emotions and not to be overreacting about his presence.

❝ No, I'm not, you're just overthinking thoughts. ❞ A tsk escaped the hot-tempered lady's mouth as she tried to deny how addicting Sunghoon's freezing presence was.

She sounded embarrassed enough since Sunghoon couldn't walk in her shoes. He wouldn't understand the strong situation she was stuck in. After all, being carried by a handsome guy like him wasn't the opportunity that people could seek nowadays.

Maybe just the girl's luck, or her endless destiny with him.

❝ Are you this heated per usual? ❞ Speaking out about his curiosity, the young male wanted to see whether he coild relate to her condition or not since he, himself was a patient who suffered from a temperature disorder.

❝ I guess? Why do you even wanna know? Is my skin too hot for you now? ❞ One of the foremost reasons why Jinyeol didn't like to stick around people was because she's afraid that she might harm them with her blazing skin.

But she didn't feel like a dangerous mess when communicating with Sunghoon just now. ❝ No, I just wanted to know whether it's dangerous or not. ❞ Her touch was the lingering tepid which Sunghoon'd been needing all along since his early childhood.

He didn't even get to feel what summer was like.

Just being distanced in the cold by himself with just two best friends.....

❝ Well, I've been experiencing it since my childhood so it's nothing new. Just wishing that it'll stop soon enough since the doctors can't even help. ❞ Sunghoon wanted to halt his tracks after what she'd just said.

MELTING.┃ park sunghoon ✔︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang