Chapter 33 - The Truth

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Sumedh's POV

I gritted my teeth as I saw the two figures entering the hall. Dau's and Kira's engagement had gone perfectly and there was no way I was going to let them ruin it.

I already knew Mum had invited Elina and I knew she would bring Ayan as her plus one. I just played some tricks to ensure they wouldn't reach here until the engagement was over. My work was also done, and now that they have arrived, I had no fear whatsoever.

Elina walked towards Mallika's parents and spoke.

"Hi! How are you? It must be tough, right? Mallika quitting her job and all." She threw Mallika a dirty look.

I glanced at Mallika and her forehead creased with worry. Her discomfort clearly showed.

I simply rolled my eyes and waited for Mallika's parents answer.

"No, not at all, her parents are still here and she's really good at managing her savings. I'm pretty sure it will be just fine, even without our help..until she finds a better job with better people." Uncle answered. 

I smirked and shook my head at Elina's lame attempts.

My mind went back to the conversation I had with Mallika's parents before the engagement.

Mallika was busy with Kira, and I had arrived before the rest of my family to be able to talk to her parents without any disturbance. 

Mallika was a very sensitive girl especially when it came to her parents. And I knew that my mum had invited Elina and something was about to unfold. So, I decided to let them know the truth from me instead of Mallika. Or else, Elina would have caused a huge drama and Mallika would have been in a bigger dilemma than she already is in.

Uncle was busy monitoring the waiters and Aunty was busy making arrangements for food. I somehow managed to get them both together in one place and started talking. I greeted them and made small talk about the engagement. Then our conversation went something like this:

"Is there something you want to tell us, Sumedh?" Uncle asked,

"Err..yeah actually.. It's about Mallika. I shouldn't really be the one telling you guys, it should have been Mallika but situations are such that I will have to do it myself." I began.

"What is it, Sumedh?" Mallika's mum had asked, worried.

I began from the beginning and narrated the whole Ayan and Elina story. I remember her parents' words.

"I knew that Ayan was annoying, I didn't know he'll stoop so low!" Mallika's mom responded in anger.

"She did the right thing. Leaving a toxic place like that where there are people like Ayan and Elina. Thank God she has friends like Kira, Sumedh and Basant. I can't imagine what my girl must have gone through at that moment." Her dad said and I immediately felt great for telling them about this.

They weren't the least bit concerned about Mallika not having a job. Instead, they were worried about her well being, which is exactly how parents should be. I really admired them.

On that note, I had something else to ask her dad.

"Um uncle.. I have something else to ask you actually."

"Sure sure, go ahead.."

"Well, Mallika and I have known each other for a while and I thought that maybe.." I paused, testing the waters first. Her parents, each had a neutral reaction, so I continued.

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