Chapter 25 - You love me.

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Mallika's POV

I was back home, standing near my window looking up at the stars in the sky. I still couldn't wrap my head around the events of tonight. Dau and Kira are now a couple. I was very happy for them.

But there was something else. Sumedh and I had gotten closer, and I don't mean emotionally close, since we already were closer in that way. I mean close, as in we cuddled. Did he know about my feelings for him? Did he know that I knew about his feelings? I couldn't answer those questions just yet. Still I couldn't help but feel that the time was getting closer. The time to admit our feelings to each other.

I went to sleep with these thoughts swirling around in my head.

The next day was Sunday. Netflix and chill day!

I woke up late and started the day at my own pace. I showered, said my prayers and then ate breakfast.

"Finally you've decided to start the day, huh?" My dad taunted me playfully. I laughed and sat down next to him. He was reading the newspaper. He knew we could get everything online, but according to him 'holding the paper and reading is a different feeling altogether'. I left him to his reading and went to see Mum.

She was preparing for lunch, so I didn't disturb her. Just as I turned to leave, she called me.

"Mallika, what do you think about Sumedh?" She asked. Shit! Does she know already?

"What? He's good, nice.. Nice guy I think. Why?" I rambled.

"Oh, it's just that his mum was looking for a girl. If you have someone in mind, let me know. I'll inform his Mum." She smiled and went back to her business, leaving me pondering over our conversation.

His mum was looking for a girl for him. Oh God! Idiot Sumedh! He can't even confess on time. Now what?!

I walked up the stairs, deep in thought, munching absently on a piece of carrot I had taken from the kitchen.

I heard my phone ringing and it broke my trance. I hurried to get it, silently praying it would be Sumedh. My face fell the moment I saw the caller ID. Ayan. Ugh. The week went on smoothly, Mallika. That doesn't mean your weekend will.

I groaned before I answered the phone.

"Yes!" I said rather rudely.

"Oh, Mallika.. Hi, did I disturb you? Can we meet?" I heard from the other end. Disturb? OF COURSE YOU DID. Meet? Has he gone mental?

"Why do you want to meet me?" I asked.

"Oh, it's just that we've organized a small outing for our team at work? As it's Sunday, I thought it would be great. Everyone's already here. Elina and I are coming to pick you up." Ayan informed. Team outing? So last minute? What's wrong with these people? No group on WhatsApp about it?

I rolled my eyes and agreed. Both of them weren't so annoying this week. And all my other colleagues would be there, so that's fine.

I informed my parents and started to get ready. Wait, what should I wear? Ayan didn't even inform me where we were going.

I took my phone to text him but then decided against it. It's an outing, let me dress casually!

I put on my washed out blue jeans, with a white shirt and a black jacket on top, with my favourite white sneakers. This should do.

I went downstairs and my dad and I started debating over which football team would win. I had no idea about shit like this, but that doesn't mean I'll miss an opportunity to annoy my dad.

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