Chapter 8 - Dinner..

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(dedicated to my dear friend newmoon111)

Mallika's POV

I closed the door as soon as Sumedh entered and prepared myself for what was about to unfold tonight. I looked at Dad trying to decipher his expressions. He looked neutral, as if a guy coming to our doorstep with my laptop was normal. Mum came from the kitchen, wiping her hands with a towel and looked confused as she saw Sumedh.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Singh, I'm Sumedh, Mallika's new friend. Nice to meet you." he said while extending his hand to shake my dad's hand and smiling at Mum. What was he playing at? Acting all chivalrous. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh hi, how are you? Come have a seat." Mum said, raising an eyebrow at me and indicating towards my Dad. I pursed my lips and sat down next to Dad on the sofa.

"Actually, I just came to give Mallika her laptop, she left it in my car." he explained and I stared straight ahead, avoiding Dad's eyes.

"Sumedh, why don't stay for dinner?" my Dad offered. At this point, I was convinced this was a dream. Dad? Asking a guy to stay for dinner?

"Oh err okay, sure" Sumedh replied and I frowned at him, trying to get him to refuse.

"Dinner will be ready in some time, you guys talk" Mum said and went straight to the kitchen. Before I had any chance to utter a word, she called me from the kitchen so that I could help. I could not be any more thankful. I gave Sumedh a sympathetic smile before I left the living room, after all he was now going to be alone with my Dad.

"Why was your laptop in his car? Were YOU in his car? Why?" my mum questioned in one breath and I held my hands up, telling her to calm down. I explained the whole thing about Kira working overtime and Sumedh offering me a ride. She understood, but we were both confused as to why Dad had asked Sumedh to stay for dinner.

I did not come out of the kitchen until the food was ready. I half expected Sumedh to be gone but he was talking with Dad. Both of them looked pretty enthusiastic about the topic they were conversing about too. My mum and I gave each other a look and I shrugged.

"Dinner's ready. We've already set the table. Please join us." Mum said.

I quickly rushed to sit next to Dad, in case he decided to think there was something going on between me and Sumedh. Sumedh sat next to Mum. Mum had made pizza and it smelled heavenly. I quickly took a slice, had a bite and closed my eyes. Damn good.

"It's good manners to serve the guest first, Miku." my Dad spoke from beside me. I looked down, a bit embarassed and placed a slice in Sumedh's plate without looking at him. Then we continued eating. Sumedh and dad kept talking about their jobs while mum and I kept gesturing at each other whenever we felt suspicious about the conversation.

"Miku, why are you so quiet, he's your friend, right?" Dad told me.

"Let it be Sir, she's always like that. Very quiet and shy ever since the first day we met. We barely spoke at the wedding too." Sumedh spoke. I narrowed my eyes. So now, he will tell MY dad how my behaviour is.

"Er..yeah, actually he's Jennifer's friend. So we haven't really talked. Today we met in the building as he works there too so he offered a ride. We don't really know each other that well." I added. Sumedh winked at me when I finished.

"But we'll get to know each other, won't we?" Sumedh asked.

I glanced at my dad through the corner of my eyes and nodded. I am dead now. Could it get any worse?

"Saturday, we'll go to watch Fantastic Beasts, might get to know each other a bit then." the idiot added. Yep it just got worse.

"Kira and your other friends will be there too, right?" Mum tried to mend the situation and I nodded frantically, shooting Sumedh a look to get him to remain quiet.

"Okay, I should get going..My mum must be worried. The food was delicious. Goodnight.." Sumedh said. My phone beeped just as we were about to see Sumedh off. It was Kira.

'I'll be going to work late tomorrow Miku.. You get a taxi or the bus. I'm gonna finish at 10p.m today, that's why. Sorry baba, take care!' the message said. My face fell, Kira was working so hard. Her manager was so cruel, I thought.

"What happened dear? You look worried" Dad said and I explained.

"I can drop you, we work at the same building and I pass by your house anyway. It's not a big deal" Sumedh said. I had almost forgotten he was still not gone. I looked at Dad and he nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks." I smiled and followed him to his car.

I waited until my parents could not hear before I spoke but I was cut off by Sumedh.

"Your dad's really great you know.. he really loves you. You're very lucky. Tomorrow 8 a.m sharp by the way. Be ready" he said. I blinked. He was praising my dad, this meant they had had a pleasant conversation.

I was too stunned to say anything so I just nodded, waved and went back home.

"How come you've never mentioned him before? He seems like a good guy." I heard Dad say as I went inside. My mouth fell open.

"Like he said, we aren't that close, papa.. And you don't like me talking to guys either." I said cautiously.

"Well, he's different from all your other friends, isn't he? Anyway, go to sleep, you have work tomorrow. Goodnight." Dad kissed my forehead and went to bed.

My mum and I were still confused by what was happening.. Maybe Dad really liked him. Mum seemed to like him a lot too. Boy has he charmed everyone. Maybe he's a wizard. I grinned and shook my head. If dad liked him, he might be a good guy. It's probably nice to be friends atleast.

I made my way to my room to freshen up and change into my pyjamas. I lied down on my bed and called Kira, asking her about how she's doing and told her everything. Her replies were mostly exclamations of shock. After talking with her, I went to sleep thinking about what would happen the next day.


Hello! Another update!

This is my first story, so I apologize for anything that may have gone wrong..

I understand a lot of you would want romantic scenes, but I'm trying to make this story as realistic as possible and romance doesn't happen within one meeting.. So bear with me. ❤️

Let me know if you find something lacking..

Lots of love.
- a_girl_imagines

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