Chapter 3 - First Meeting

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"YO!!" Kira suddenly screamed in my ear. I blinked and jumped in fright.

"What happened, Kira? You scared me." I replied clutching my hand to my chest.

"Nothing man, I just wanted to see if you're hungry, there are so many delicious snacks, let's go and eat pleaseeeee" she started whining.

"Okay okay, let's go. I'm hungry as well." I said.

Before leaving the tents, I glanced back, trying to catch a glimpse of that stranger but I couldn't see him anywhere. I frowned and started thinking about how I was reacting. Why do I want to see this guy so much? Weird. He must be handsome that's why I'm looking for him, I tried to convince myself as it was unlike me to look for some random guy, that too at my ex's wedding. Oh God, I'm definitely going mad.

"MALLIKA!" Kira shouted. She was angry now. "I'm sorry, I'm coming." I took her hand and led her to the table where they were distributing snacks and drinks. We got everything we needed and took a seat at one of the tables. I had to admit, I was starving now, and the snacks were delicious and seemed to keep me coherent, as I was not thinking of that guy anymore. It happens, you see someone at a wedding, they catch your eye, that's it. There was nothing weird about it. Kira and I started making casual talk about life.

"I was thinking, since today is Saturday and tomorrow we're both free, we could go out for some shopping. I need some formal clothes to wear at the office. You know how much I love comfortable clothes and I find it tough to find the right clothes for work. You got to help me" I told Kira and took a sip of my mango juice.

"You read my mind, Miku. I was just about to suggest the same thing. We'll go after our yoga classes." Kira said calmly, now that she had gotten her food. I smiled and nodded.

"I need to use the washroom, I'll be right back." she said.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

As soon as Kira left, 'Perfect by Ed Sheeran' started playing, I looked up to see the newly married couple dancing to it. I smiled, then I got lost in my own thoughts. I started thinking about my life, about Kira, love stories, friendship and career.

I'm an accountant by profession. Although I don't like this job, I had to do it, for my parents, to make a living. Since very young, I was more inclined towards language and art. I had a passion for those things. Situations were such that I had to go towards accounting instead, it also does not help when your entire family is in that profession. Now Kira and I both are taking courses while working. Kira is my best friend and a wonderful human being. We met during courses and we immediately bonded. I don't tend to make friends easily, so this was a surprise really. We've been friends for over two years now. Now we're both 23. Times passes so quickly that we do not even realise it. Two years back, I sat in a café with Kira, narrating my 'love story' with Jay. Now, here we are, at his wedding, although I'm a bit disappointed that we could not make it work. I feel happier and a lot more free now. Being single did do me some good. Kira and I both joined yoga classes, despite our hectic work schedule. She tried to play matchmaker a lot of times but failed miserably everytime.

"Ahh" I heard someone shout, and that pulled me from my thoughts. Everyone started laughing. The couple had just opened a champagne bottle and the cork hit a little boy on his head. "Poor boy" I said to myself. I suddenly realised that Kira still had not come back.

It was getting pretty late and we had to go home, so I started walking towards the bathroom to go looking for her. As I passed the terrace, I saw the sky and I immediately went outside to look for the moon. The sky was very pretty, a peaceful night with slow music playing from where the bride and groom were waltzing. I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh air.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard someone say, standing beside me. "Yeah" I replied without looking at the person.

A few minutes had passed, I just stood there without looking at the intruder who was standing next to me. Although I knew it was a stranger, I felt very comfortable.

"Mikuu, I've been looking everywhere for you, come we'll be late, we have to go for yoga classes too tomorrow." I recognised Kira's voice and remembered what I had come here for. Just as we were about to leave, Jay and Jennifer joined us on the terrace.

"Oh, I see you guys have met." Jay spoke, looking at me and the person next to me. I turned to look at the guy next to me, it was the same guy I had seen. We both froze for a while and then our expression changed to being confused.

"What do you mean 'met'?" the stranger and I spoke at the same time. Jennifer and Jay laughed.

"See, they're already getting along" Jen grinned.

At this point, I didn't understand a thing so I just gave up and waited for them to explain themselves.

"What do you mean, why should we get along? Have you gone mad?" the stranger spoke in a rather rude tone.

"Sorry sorry, Mallika, meet Sumedh! He's great friend of mine" said Jennifer.

"And Sumedh, meet Mallika, she's one of my closest friends" said Jay.

"Great friend, huh Jen..hi Mallika, nice to meet you." Sumedh laughed awkwardly at what Jen said and took his hand out to shake mine.

"Hello, same here" I smiled politely and shook his hand. The moment our hand touched, I inhaled sharply and quickly retracted my hand. We shared a few seconds of eye contact and then turned to our respective friends.

Although, Jen had established that Sumedh was her friend, I could not help but wonder if there was something more. Could they be..? No no. But what if? I started thinking whether it was the same situation that Jay and I were in. Maybe not.

"Okay okay, if you guys have finished with introductions, Miku and I have to leave now." Kira pointed out.

"I'm Kira, Mallika's best friend. Nice to meet you Sumedh. Bubye" she said dragging me along with her.

While she was dragging me, I could not help but look back at Sumedh, he was also doing the same. I got that weird feeling again, the same one I had when I saw him earlier.

"Sumedh" I whispered.

We'll probably never meet again, I thought to myself as we got in the car and drove home.

As I was making my bed, my phone beeped indicating a new message.

'Be ready around 6p.m tomorrow. We're organising a small party for friends and family. Bring Kira too. We loved that you could come today. Love youuu. Goodnight Miku. :*' It was a message from Jennifer. We were getting along pretty well.

As I typed 'Sure :)', I could not help but think if Sumedh would be there too. Maybe we'll meet.

With that thought, I went to sleep.

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