Chapter 15 - Caring

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Mallika's POV

It was now Friday. The previous day had been rough, what with being sick and basically spending the whole day in bed.

I was told by my parents that Sumedh had come to visit. Honestly, I was quite embarrassed that he came to see me in such a horrible state, but also overjoyed that he cared so much.

I insisted to go to work today. My mum knowing I wouldn't back down unless she proved me wrong, challenged me to try and get out of bed on my own. I managed to get up only to fall in the arms of my dad. Yep, turns out Mum's word it is. Stay home, Mallika.

I made my Mum promise to let me use my phone as I agreed to be confined to my bed. She accepted.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table. A note was stuck to my phone.

'get well soon, friend..looking forward to Saturday :)'

Before I read the note, I instantly assumed it would be from Kira. Turns out it's from Sumedh. I smiled. I hope I'm fine by tomorrow too. Can't afford to miss spending time with Sumedh. Wait what? I meant can't afford to miss the Fantastic Beasts movie. Duh.

I should text him.

'Hello Friend. Good morning. Don't worry I'm gonna be just fine. Can't miss my favourite movie.' I sent back. Damn you didn't even thank him, Miku!

'Also, thank you for checking up on me ✨' I sent another one.

Then I started checking my other texts. There was a bunch of texts from Kira, one from an unknown number and another from Ayan.

The texts from Kira were mostly her asking about how I was and also updating me on her and Dau. They're having a great time while I'm not there. That's for sure. I grinned. I replied, telling her to give me all the details.

Then I opened the message from the unknown number. It was Dau, telling me to get well soon. Makes sense, he would have gotten the number from Kira. I thanked him and saved his number.

The last message I opened was from Ayan. I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes at what it said.

'Mallika, be early on Monday. Since you've been sick for 2 days.'

I didn't even bother to reply him. I threw my phone under the pillow next to me and closed my eyes. Sumedh hadn't replied yet. Strange. He usually replies straight away.

I was in my thoughts when suddenly my mum's worried tone pulled me back to reality.

"Mallika, your aunt Ria is in critical condition at the hospital. Your dad and I will have to go because we're the only family she has in the city. All her kids are abroad. I'm so worried. How will I leave you here alone?"

"Maa, it's fine, I'll manage.. I'm better than yesterday. I can ask Kira to come ov-" I tried to reason with her.

"What happened, why are you guys so tense?" I looked up and saw Sumedh.

My dad explained the whole situation we were in. I still couldn't get over the fact that he was here. At seven in the morning. Well this explains why he wasn't replying to those texts. He must have been driving.

"Well, I can stay with Mallika. I mean she looks better than yesterday, I'll just help her with food and getting up. I don't have any urgent work either." He offered and I looked back and forth between my parents and him, with wide eyes. This is too much. Dad's gonna say no. A boy alone in the house with me. Pfftt. No way.

"Sure, that's great, son. I trust you more than the neighbours anyway. They can't even take care of their pet dog." Dad said. Oh boy! Just when I thought I knew my dad. Mind blown.

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