Ep-10: Blue Pea

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Minho: Jungkook! Don't you wanna think before you do? 

Jk: Leave me please! I lost each of the way of living-

Minho: You didn't lose them, You made them leave. Will you let everything end up here? With a cruel conclusion? Tell me, does she deserve to be hurt? At least from you? 

I moved my sight to ignore him. But he kept saying,

Minho: You can ignore me, but not her. Jungkook, just remember. That girl who witnessed her mother's cruel death by her father's hand, tolerated torture day after day, even she was gonna be raped my the person who made her come to the world.... just believed you, tried to find peace in you, wanted to be loved by you Jungkook. And think what you gave her instead!

Jk: But you see? She's tolerating more because of me! Why I will let my sins being a burden to her?

Minho: Cause, she wants to be happy only with you, not your deeds. Remember? How much determined she was to make you feel normal, make you happy? Cause she lives for your happiness! It doesn't mean she felt you as burden.

Jk: But what about her mental and physical health? She was literally being sick! 

 Minho: It because, you didn't help her ! All you did was blaming yourself. You never thought to start a new life with her! Did you?

I stayed calm, cause he was right! All I did were wrong. WRONG!

Jk: What will I do now Minho? She's now gone!

Minho: You're again doing that. You really think she would leave you that easily?

Jk: What do you mean? Where's she? 

I became hyper.

Minho: If you get a bit late to go to her, she would die causing hyphothermia. Run to the entrance, FAST!

My mind was blank! I couldn't think anything than rushing to you. Going to the entrance, I saw your cold body lying beside the door. You were almost freezing. I couldn't let you go in front of my eyes!"

Jk: This is too little to be heard, but still, I am sorry Koushi! I promise I will never leave you again! I will cherish you from the core of my heart. No matters what! I will! 

Me: How could you think that you could be a burden for me? Just how? You are my whole world, my life! Understand??? I- 

Jk: I really don't want to remember anything without you! I love you- and this is the ultimate truth of my life.

I nodded.

Me: Please let it be! Living without you is tormenting as hell. I thought you really didn't want to see me again...

Jk: That's true. I don't want to see you again...

His gaze became hard. It took a second to understand what he actually said. What did he mean? Then everything was a lie? He really hated me then?

Me: G-Gguk? Ar-are you s-serious? 

Jk: Of course! I don't want to see you as my girlfriend anymore.

He gaze moved at me. That heart-shaking cold gaze...

Jk: Will you marry me Koushi? I want to see you as my wife. I want to be that rightful person in your life!

I dunno how long I didn't blink, I didn't inhale, I didn't move my any single limb. Just looking at his smile. The most beautiful, overwhelming, heart demolishing smile with a bit lark.I could feel a little rumple at the edge of my nose as tears started to blur my vision...

Baby Kick | J.JK [Editing]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant