"is that really the reason? "

   She pushed the thought away as she made her way slowly till she stood beside the living room chair.
   She averted his gaze when he looked up at her quizzically. Raising one of his brows in the process.
  He looked so good in the illuminous light basking his skin in a golden glow and she felt her cheek light up.
  Embarrassed she looked away, looking at anywhere but him.

    "Am sorry..."
He massaged his temple with his hand.
  "...I didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just seemed like you guys were talking about me, so I had to...to.. listen.. And.. "
    "We were talking about you"he stated cutting her off.
  Lizzy not expecting that at all,whipped her head up so fast she was afraid she would face the recurpussion later. But right now...
"What?! "she swallowed
"so let me get this straight, the reason you guys were having a heated whispering argument was because of me..?"

  He stated and made no further commentary than that.
The silence stretched on which annoyed her.

     "Is that all? "she gritted her teeth.
   He faced her
   "Landon is my attorney  and he was here about the tabloids... "He paused for a moment to gauge her reaction.

    Then continued after he was satisfied he had her attention
   "He was talking about the strategy we could use to navigate the tabloid to our advantage"He loosened his tie suddenly feeling suffocated.

  She took that as her cue to sit down.
He went on.
"The company has just launched a new chain and it's still in its early stages, but this news... "
He gestured towards the space between the both of them and she got the message.
   "...has caused a shift in operations and quite a few burdensome events. "

    He leaned closer shifting his whole body to face her fully and the action caused both of their knees to graze each other.
  "You see...my reputation is important for this chain to take off. "he looked at her.

   "I might try to explain it but you really would not understand it"
He leaned back into the couch as she sneered at his pure arrogance.
  "So what is it we have to do? And why didn't you want me involved in it?"
   "We have to control the narrative"He said as matter of factly.
   Explaining further he added
"We have to show the world that we really are a couple. "

   Lizzy's eyes grew wide like saucers.She shook her head in disbelief.

   Regaining her composure she shook her head blatantly,
"No. It won't work".
    He grinned.
  "I already guessed you would say that.But if you look from Landon's point of view, it would make great publicity and we can prove that you're not all those things written in the papers "he reasoned.
    "Although you going home would have to be delayed,at least for a little while "he added deep in thought.
She thought it over and over in her head.

     " Even if I agreed to this, we don't have what it takes to pull this off"she replied.

   He looked at her skeptically.
"You can't deny it."
He stared deep into her eyes,she squirmed under his gaze
  "we've had a fatal attraction from the first day we met.That's why I kiss you at every slight opportunity like I want to now and you respond to me"
He looked down at her lips .

She moistened her lips with her tongue,her heart beating erratically. Suddenly shy,she averted his gaze staring at the fireplace or something on the carpet.
    Mad with desire but unable to act on them.He frowned and cleared his throat to clear the  silence away and putting reins on his emotions.

   "Fine"she answered looking up at him,her head held high.
"is that really the best choice, what are you really afraid of? "

   "I've got nothing to lose either way"she explained
He smiled smugly. And she couldn't help but chuckle.

  "so... What now?"
She inquired.
   He got up and flexed his arms

     "for now... "he picked up his suitcase and his discarded heading towards to stairs he added
  "..get some rest. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow "pasting a lingering smile on his lips. He exited the room.
      Turning abruptly.
  He said
     "Landon said your meal was very delicious and I couldn't help but agree with him more. I look forward to more of your delightful cooking"he finished and walked up the stairs hastily .

    Leaving a blushing Lizzy in the living room and that made the rest of her night.
Hi everyone, how is everything going. It's been a dreadful few months for all of us and we are all resuming our daily lives little by little.
I hope that you find things that will inspire you as well as entertain you
*maybe my story would help😁*
*no but seriously like, share, comment and follow me if you like,to get more updates when I post. *
Let me know what you all think about the storyline so far. Your support is very much needed.
Notice:translations in the next chapter. Stay tuned.


TENDING TO THE STORMजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें