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                       *1 year later *

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I scream. Running into the living room

Kenzie, Makayla, and Bryce look at me with pure confusion "what the fuck?! Why so loud?" Kenzie screams back

"They accepted my art pieces! They picked me!" I state

Bryce was the first one up hugging me   "sunshine that's amazing! Are you going to accept? Change schools?"

I back away from him "are u crazy? Of course I'm going to change schools"

Bryce a couple of months ago got accepted to Clemson University after getting back into Football. It was his dream school. I wanted to go so bad but the cost for going out of state is insane. I didnt get a full ride like him so I decided to stay in state and we would try long distance.

I got accepted but the one problem was the tuition money so I entered a contest for a full ride scholarship into their art program, expecting nothing, but I actually got in!

Bryce pulls me down on the couch with me on top of him kissing me everywhere "yess!! Yesss!" He says in between each kiss

Me and Bryce have been going strong for a year, the only fights we get into are about where to go eat (why cant he just pick a place!!!) But this long distance plan was really worrying us.

"Okay guys get a room" makayla says while I laugh

"This is such good news though" kenzie states "I cant believe we will all be in South Carolina"

Kenzie applied to the University of South Carolina because Kyle was heading there and she got in! "Its only a couple hours away" I state back

Makayla is going into Clemsons photography program and she is beaming with the news of me coming. "I will have a friend!" She exclaims "oh my gosh can we become roommates?! Seriously can we fill out the form and get out of doing random selection?"

I sit up on Bryces lap and get so excited "YES! Oh my gosh college will be so fun with you as my roomate"

"I cant believe I'm this happy" Bryce says after my conversation with makayla

"What do you mean?" I reply

"I've always been scared of my future but you made my future worth it" he smiles "I am so lucky to have you"

After all this time I still blush when he says sentences that are cheesy "i am so lucky to have you too"

He kisses me and Kenzie gags making me break away laughing.

Theres a knock at the door and Kenzie gets up to open it excited. We are having a going away party since Kenzie is leaving early for college to start a special program.

Makayla goes over to greet the people at the door and I stay on Bryces lap. He kisses my cheek "I love you forever"

"I love you forever too" I chuckle

"Please say you will be my wife one day"

"You are getting too cheesy Bryce, who made the bad boy turn so soft?" I reply

"I wouldnt say I'm soft, just have a soft spot for a special someone"

I make a dramatic gasp "what?! For who?!"

"You, you idiot" he pokes me in the side and we both laugh. He makes me me. He brings out the best side of me I never thought possible. Hes with me everytime I run, hes with me when I'm feeling down, hes the person that makes me feel on top of the world when I'm insecure and I truly hope I do the same for him.

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