(22) I want to be fine

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Bryces POV

"Want to give it to me again" a blonde girl says in my ear while I'm on the phone with Jess

I don't even remember her name

She was the only one around that didn't have brunette hair so it wouldn't remind me too much of jess

"Bryce.." I hear Jessica's voice choke a little and I knew I hurt her

I couldn't not call her

I couldn't not show her what I did

I hear the beep on the phone and I threw it against the wall showing the screen shatter

I pulled on my hair and shouted

Why why does this have to be like this

Why do i have to be like this

She got on top of my lap and started kissing my neck


"What?" She tries to say sexily. Not working.

"I said. Get. Off."

She kisses me on the lips and I push her off

It's nothing like Jess, Jess is warm and sweet and kisses like she cares, because she does. She wouldn't ever cheat or hurt you because she's the one hurting herself

"Hey!!" She says when she landed on the floor

"Get your clothes on and get out"

"It's 2 am"


She gasps, puts her clothes on, and leaves

I punch the wall

Over and over

Why, why Bryce why

I should have asked her out.

I should have made her mine

She was over there with Brent, Brent of all people. He was making her smile a smile only I should be able to make

She didn't come after me

And I made a scene

I never talked to her

I fucked a random ass chick and I didn't even talk to her

Everything I did wrong played over and over in my head

"Ughhhhhh" I punched the wall until my hands went numb

The chick was supposed to make m feel better not worse

I called to see what she would say about it, to see if she would yell at me

She needed to yell at me for what I did

But she asked me if I was okay...

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