(13) how about coral?

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After that, Bryce and I have been spending more time together. He makes me feel safe in some weird way.

we go out to eat ice cream, see movies, and I have even invited Kenzie to come along with us they have gotten pretty close to each other too which actually makes me really happy. 

Homecoming is coming up which is driving Kenzie insane, she barely hangs around at lunch anymore because shes at meetings and in the computer lab ordering things from the school's account and if I didn't have Bryce here to keep me company I would probably try to join her or walk around (I still don't feel comfortable around the popular table where Bryce sits and he's completely fine with that) 

but he is actually making up for that, I'm going over to Lances tonight to plan what we are going to wear and also watch a movie, I'm really excited, to be honest! I haven't spent much time with him that much because he's usually at practice and if he's not im with Kenzie or Bryce.

I head into Mr. Walsh's classroom and see a distressed Bryce and a sub at the desk; Kenzie isn't here because of another meeting probably. I sit down next to Bryce quietly not wanting to disturb him because it's very evident that he's in a bad mood. he just grumbles and turns to me "hey" I say "is everything alright" 

"yes everything is just peachy" he gives a fake smile that makes me chuckle a bit.

"you think my pain is funny?" 

I keep smiling and shake my head no because I was afraid if I opened my mouth I would laugh 

" you do!!" he gives an overexaggerated shock face while he throws his hands up in the air and I couldn't help but laugh out loud

"stop it sunshine it's not funny"  he rolls his eyes 

"okay okay whatever you say, weirdo, but for real whats wrong"

he shakes his head "Nah its nothing just my ways" 

I really don't think that's it but I decide right now isn't the time and I don't want to scare him off when I just got him

the bell ring which made me jump, I guess I lost track of time. Well that's another sheet of paper I have to do for homework "well goodbye Mr. bad boy" 

he rolls his beautiful eyes "goodbye sunshine"


Morty lets me into the gate and I start walking towards the house while on the phone with the pizza delivery guy, might as well right? 

I end the phone right when I get to the door and I hear banging and banging.

I run inside trying to find where the noise is coming from. I follow the noise all the way into what I'm guessing is Lance's bedroom.

as I walk-in I see Lance punching holes into the wall there is a whole side that's dented and battered up. I run over to him and try to jump in front of him to make him stop but he just hits me right on my collarbone. 

I scream out in pain and fall to the floor while he screams at me "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?!?!" 

I whimpered out a response which makes him more frustrated he pulls me to stand up and askes again, and again, my voice chokes and I can't get out an answer properly 

he hits the wall right next to my head making me shake and he picks me up and throws me on the bed "please" I whispered "not again " he just gave me a sickening grin and threw himself on me  "this will teach you princess" he rips off my shirt leaving it in two peices and he throws my bra across the  room and starts kissing my breasts, which is one of my biggest insecurities, I stuggle to get out of his grasp but he grabs both of my hands and puts them above my head in a forceful manner which makes tears spring from my eyes from the pain.

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