Lance a(4)

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I barely talk the whole day Kenzie realizes that I'm mute but she knows that it had something to do with my family...they always fight

The only thing is she doesn't know how bad it was this time and on top of that she doesn't know what happened last night or why I had that dream

Noone knows

And no one will know

I walk the halls silently trying not to draw attention because honestly attention is the last thing I want, I  hate attention so freaking much

I get to my locker to exchange my Spanish book for mr. Walsh's language arts books (ew)

I start walking and this guy trips me like full on trips me like it was no accident he fucking tripped me

I look up I wasn't going to say anything because I just didn't want to start drama or speak in general I just wanted to dissappear

But come on I wanna know who the asshole was  that tripped me

When I looked up it was Lance, Lance Williams

And yes you guessed correctly he is Bryce's brother. Well step brother

They barely acknowledge each other in school

Lances mom remarried and and that's when his dad remarried to Bryce's mom

Blah blah Lance is the captain of the football team (used to be Bryce's spot) and now Bryce is a "bad boy"

I get my book from the floor and stood up trying to walk away

But i guess Lance didn't want that

He pushed me to the ground again

And I get up again

I thought he was going to stop but he did it 2 more times

I finally just stay on the ground and look up

"you don't seem to get it Jessie you were meant to be in the dirt"

I gulp down the ball that was in my throat

This has literally been one of the worse days ever

I just nod my head and stay there

"Why are you going around my brothers house you slut"

I open my mouth a little bit to answer and correct him bit he cuts me to the chase

"No save it I don't want to hear your dumb excuse" he takes my face in his hands and squishes my cheeks hard "why would you want to be with him when you could be with me"

"I-im not with him"

"Good" he smiles his evil grin and I can't breathe

Another anxiety attack

This has happened before

"I can't hurt you but a girl can I'm going to teach you how to not talk to the wrong people" he grabs my arm hard and pulls me up

A tear trickles from my eye and he just laughs

"Stop being such a pussy Jess" he pinches my arm harder and I whimper

"What the fuck is happening?"

"None of your goddamn business Bryce"

I look up and I see Bryce, he's looking straight into my eyes and I have to look back down

"Get out of here Bryce this doesn't involve you"

Another tear drips Down my face and I sniffle my nose

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