Chapter 2 Rewritten

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Fuck im sorry im lazy rip im gonna start trying to release a new chapter every week but my mental health and spelling just sucks so much im sorry

TW: Cussing, Dark thoughts, Yandere-ish behavior 

He shook his head, "...nice."


This is my neighbor. 


You could tell just by glancing at him that he's one of those edgy losers who think it's cool to hate everything and everyone. That, or he's actually depressed or something. It's kind of hard to tell. But it's whatever, if my dad wants me to hang out with him then I guess I'll be his friend. It doesn't look like he has a choice either, he looks pretty drained already. He probably is one of those people with only, like, three friends. 

I hope he's gay too.

Rocky snuggled up to me, purring loudly. I pet him gently, sighing softly, forcing my wide smile back up. Whatever. This edgy emo loser will be my friend.

He looked extremely uncomfortable, scrunched up shoulders, long face, and curled legs which were smushed against his chest. This guy was fucking tall. That might be why he thinks he's so much better than me. I rolled my eyes while he wasn't looking at me. Was he just going to make me carry the conversations? Fine then.

"Do you listen to music?" I held my smile and tone of voice. Maybe if I looked like I enjoyed talking then he would want to talk too.

He gave me a weird look and nodded. He opened his mouth. OH MY GOD, WAS HE GOING TO TRY AND CARRY THE CONVERSATION? He shut his mouth. Ughhh.

"What kind of music? I like musicals and Indie Music!" Y'know, I would not be surprised if Jammy listened to punk rock or whatever-

"I sometimes listen to musicals," he shrugged. Welp, gotta prove me wrong with everything you do, don't you Jammy? I gaped at him with a bewildered look. He gave me a weird look and then looked away, a light magenta crawling onto his gorgeous face. It looked nice on him, not gonna lie.

"What musicals?" I crawled onto him. He seems deprived of physical contact and affection, so, fuck it, I guess I'll do that. 

He stared up at me, looking more uncomfortable. Cute. I made sure to be in a way where he couldn't move that good, locked in a spot. He looked away. He has such pretty eyes. "B-be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen..." His stutter was cute too!

I grinned at him, sitting on his chest. "I like those ones! Six, Heathers, Mean Girls, and Hamilton are some of my favorites but I may just be basic!" I giggled as cutely as I could. He looked back at me, expression unreadable. Could he read my thoughts? I hope he couldn't. I have weird thoughts, sometimes even weird for me. But, it looked like he could see how I was mentally planning how I would tie him up in a basement. Whatever. Maybe I just look like a sociopath. Do sociopaths have a specific look?

"I like Mean Girls," he cut off my thinking train. 

I blinked at him, then realized I dropped my smile. I smiled widely again and leaned in, "You don't seem like the type to listen to musical theatre!" I made sure to speak as matter-of-factly as I could. He looked away and swallowed. Oh, now he doesn't wanna talk again. Maybe it's because how close I am. Whatever. He gets all flustered and cute when I get close to his face. 

"Hmmm....What's your favorite color?" Now he had to answer, or he'd get a glare from his dad. I stared intently at him. 

He tried leaning back, pushing me off a little. Oh, ruin the fun why don't you? I stoppe myself before I rolled my eyes. "..." he's gonna say black, or bright pink. Watch him say black or bright pink. "Black." Called it. Emo garbage. Whatever, at least he's hot. "Yours?" Oh, he's finally making an attempt to help carry the conversation.

"Green," I hummed happily, trying to undress him with my eyes. 

"Boys, I made sandwiches!" I heard my dad call out. I grabbed Pj's hand and tried pulling him up. He gave a weird gaspy noise and yanked his hand back, giving me a look that almost resembled a kicked puppy. I stared. His hands were pretty marked up, scratched and bruised. Did he-

"Let's get the sandwiches," he said as quickly as he could, standing up and brushing past me to go to the kitchen. I stared after him. Did he really think he was going to keep secrets from me? I followed him quickly.

He was being quiet again. God dang, we were getting close. I got myself a sandwich and stared as he gingerly nibbled on the crust, lost in his own world already. I stared at him, looking up and down at him, still trying to undress him with my eyes. 

I hope he's single.
I hope he's single and gay.

I doubt he'd be taken, probably too shy to ask anyone out and too quiet to be asked out. I'm assuming he's free game, but I might have to ask his dad. Whatever. I continued watching. Ooo! I need his phone number.

"What's your number?"
He sputtered for a moment. Yep. Definitely single. "Uh..." I pulled out my phone. He looked awkward as he gave his number.

I opened my mouth to speak, but got interrupted by knocking on the door. I looked over as my dad opened the door. A tall white man with an ink blot on his cheek walked in, thanking my dad. Pj instantly stiffened.

I stared at him.


That must be his other dad. 

952 without this endcard ahahaha 

fuck it took a month for this doggy doodoo sorry ill be faster maybe sorry again lolol

bye bye 

oh im not revising so sorry for spelling or grammar issues

peace out 

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