Chapter 1

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Who's POV is this?

That, I will answer, dear reader, does not matter. It will be obvious anyway, who is who. You will know who I am pretty soon. I will lurk throughout the story, probably telling immature jokes UwU.

This chapter has cursing and all that fun stuff. Alright, enjoy the first chapter of Wolf Paws


I hate this place.

Father had brought me here, we're neighbors with this weird E-Boy exorcist kid who just moved in next to us. He was said to be going to my school, and Father wanted me to be friends with him. I am not a guy with a lot of friends, but what he didn't understand is that I liked not having very much friends. It was calm and peaceful.

The kid, 'Fresh' was currently at his work, as on exorcist. He had three cats, and the hairless one, 'Ferrie' was staring at me like I was Lucifer himself. I glared at the cat. I already didn't like her.

I only agreed to come because of my pity for Error and spite of Ink. I hate Ink. He had the nerves to cheat on Error, twice! With that Blueberry dude and Dream. Error wanted a divorce, but he couldn't pay for it. He can't afford to pay for the big family without Ink, so we are forced to live with that bastard.

Error was having a conversation with Fresh's dad, Adam. Mr. Baskerville to me, I guess.

The door was slammed open. Without even looking I knew it had to be Fresh, from the stories Mr. Bakersville had told me. I looked down, excusing myself to the bathroom. Error sighed, he knew what I was up to: I was going to hide in the bathroom until it was time to go home. He looked at me with pleading eyes.

I averted my gaze. I knew what he was up to: Fresh's family was rich. We are in desperate need of money to finally leave. He wants me to date Fresh.

I couldn't blame him, I didn't think it was the least bit selfish. He needed to leave. Make Ink and all of his dipshits leave. Leave Cil and Error with a home, Error knowing he is finally free.

I knocked on the bathroom door twice.

"Occupied!" A squeaky voice replied. My eyes softened. Cil. My little brother. He was a symbol that Error had fight in him. Error deliberately had a one-night stand with Nightmare, just to spite Ink. And Cil (<-- 420 words lol)

Cil was the holy being, he was wholesome and pure, having faith even in the darkest of times. Though he was often ignored. Paperjam didn't understand why: he was so perfect, though people seemed to look through him as if he were invisible or something.

"You almost done?" I replied as softly as I could. I tried to be as gentle as I could with Cil.

"Uh.. um," I could practically see him blushing and looking miserable.

"It's okay, I didn't need to use the bathroom that much anyways," I sighed. He had a small bladder when he was nervous, which was always. He had a small bladder.

Uneasily, I turned to face the living room. Fresh was sitting on the couch in my seat. I had just been sitting there. I took a deep breath, counting slowly to ten in my head. He was having a conversation with my dad. I let out another sigh, Error seemed to be happy for once. He was only happy outside of the house, and rarely happy at school, due to that fucking asshole disgrace of monster.

I sigh again, settling down into an expensive looking chair. It was so comfortable: so much better than the floor I had been sleeping on for the past week. Everyday Ink would offer his bed, which was extremely expensive. It would feel so much better if I just gave in, allowed myself a full nights rest, rid me of the cramps and aches. But I wasn't giving in, I would fight for what was right, even at the cost of my comfort. (<-- 690 words hehehe)

I was drowsing off pretty quickly, my eyes fluttering and my head bobbing. I was fading in and out of reality. (me during school)

"Excuse me mister, there's a demon right there." I didn't remember sleeping, I just know I was waken up way too damn soon. The voice almost sounded like Cil's; squeaky and high pitch, but know, when my vision cleared it showed who I assumed was Fresh pointing right next my face

I groggily blinked. "Huh...?"

He giggles. "A demon, right by your face! It's really small, one of the cats can probably get it." He then frowned. "No, that's a sleep demon. Muffins can get that one. You haven't slept good in a while, huh?"

I look down stiffly. "That's none of your business."

He merely grinned at my reaction, his eyes sparkling. "You are so cute," he laughed, going off to his room to get his cat.

I look at Error with unease, though Error was laughing and smiling.

Fresh was quickly back, setting the cat down next to me. He jumped onto my shoulder, licking my skull softly. I wave of comfort and peace flared across me, emotions I haven't felt in a long time. The next I was exhausted beyond measures, my eyelids feeling heavier than the weight I bore on my shoulders. I look at Fresh, it all had happened so fast.

He grinned and fixed his glasses. "Yeah, you're going to feel really tired for a bit. You can fall asleep if you want. That was a sleep demon, they are very clingy, no bigger than my hand, and attach themselves to a person, making the person feel a lot less tired than they were. That made the victim more moody and weak, so easier for other demons to possess. That one had been there for about a week by it's size and colo."

I was quickly asleep, allowing myself final bedrest.

Chapter 1 done and done! Aaaaa I got this all done in one night and I kinda like it OwO. I'm too tired to do a proper spell check, so I'm praying there are o grammar issues.

1054 words.

Secrets (Goth x Paperjam, Fresh x Paperjam)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat