Chapter 2

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Hello, dearest darlingest readers. As you guys could probably tell, I took a small break from this story. I'm back at it again at (Krispie Kremes) story writing, and now doing it with a friend, @CreativeThinker6102 who gets a special shout out now uwu

You may ask, 'DeAn, WhO's PoV iS tHiS??' and I shall respond with, 'None of your beeswax.' Just read the first paragraph and you'll know.

Updates probably won't have a strict timing, sorry. This is mainly just so we can having something out. We've only planned up to when they start dating- which is probably not even half the story. I was dumb when I created this- I didn't plane -3-. Plan ur stories mate. Alright folks, that's all. ~@Dean_Shadow

What I WANNA SAY IS: YEET And also this is gonna be fun! ~ @CreativeThinker6102

I was in bed. I never wanted to wake up, the bed was so soft, so contrasting to the cold, hard, tiled floor I had been sleeping on. I was holding onto Cil, I think. I usually did that, sleeping with Cil. Im definitely not fully awake, just in that one haze where youre half awake, half asleep. People were talking. I could hear voices. Mr. Bakersvilles voice was easy to pick out. He had a more high pitched tone and a loud voice that traveled far. I groaned and covered my ears with a pillow. Errors voice was there, it was soft but raspy and I could faintly hear it. Then that voice- the voice I hated so much. I groaned. It was Satan, Lucifer, a demon, a disgrace, more commonly known as Ink. I didnt even like to think about him. Why did he have to be here? I was enjoying myself.

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes. My vision was still bleary with sleep, so I rubbed them a bit violently. I was, in fact, holding onto Cil as I thought I had been doing. I was definitely still in Freshs house. Probably having been moved to the guest room. I glanced at Cil. He was curled up, snoring quietly and twitching. He seemed happy, he never seemed to have nightmares. He was always peaceful in his sleep. I wish I was like that. He had a babyface, he was just so amazing. I didnt understand why people ignored him as they did.

I sat up, being careful to not disturb or wake Cil up. Looking around for a clock, I groaned softly when I realized it was four in the morning. Ink probably was coming to get them- at the most inconvenient time, knowing very well that I- we were sleeping. I scoffed. He probably thought I would cave easily because I was tired and got a rest in an actual bed.

I hissed. I wasnt dumb. I knew his plans. And I was not going to cave easily. He could keep the bed. As I expected, I heard the gentle tap tap tap of Inks footsteps, I knew it was his. I scooped Cil up and held him defensively to myself.

As expected, that bastard opened the door. He was tall, with pearly white bones and a spot of ink splatter on the side of his face. He wore a brown sweater with a white collared shirt underneath and brown pants. Hideous. I hate him. (420 words lol)

Good morning, he said with that horrible voice of his. It was deep and purr-like, almost always having a seductive undertone. It sounded like he was always trying to manipulate.

I glared at him, stroking Cils head softly to wake him up. Nice timing, I hissed. Four in the morning- a great time to go to someones house. But I wouldnt worry, you probably sweet-talked your way out of it as you always do. I smile softly as Cil yawned and stretched, as well as having the satisfaction that I had gotten Ink angered.

Ink quickly calmed himself, taking a deep breath and looking at me evenly. Glad to know youre still sassy as ever, even after everything Ive done for you.

That was Inks turn to piss me off. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, I quickly started counting in my head to try and calm myself down. I didnt want Ink to have the same satisfaction I strive for. Cil gave me a concerned look. He always looked scared when I got angry. I think it has something to do with trauma with how Ink treats him, and that just makes me angrier.

I smiled softly at him so I could reassure him that Im not angry at all, and he visibly calmed down. A wave of tiredness hit me, which I assumed was because I was woken up so early, which just made me even angrier at Ink. I hate him. I wish we didnt need him so much, then I wouldnt have to worry so much. Then maybe I wouldnt have to sacrifice myself so much.

Were going home, Ink interrupted my train of thought, pointing out what was already so obvious to me.

At four in the morning? Cil frowned, looking down as Inks scathing stare was set on him. I snarled and glared daggers at the disgrace I have disowned as my father.

Ink didnt respond to the statement. Get your stuff together, he commanded. And be quick: were leaving in five minutes.

I scowled, I knew why Ink was taking so long, the bastard was probably going to flirt with Freshs father, in front of Error. Probably not because he wanted to get off but more so he could hurt Errors feelings. Just thinking about it made me snarl out loud, which made Cil flinch and jump. I gave him an apologetic look, grabbing the little stuff I had.

Dude, your dad sucks, a squeaky voice suddenly sang. I jolted, whipping around to see Fresh standing at the doorway, holding what looked to be a ball of fluff, if it werent for the whiskers.

I snorted tiredly. I was too exhausted, mentally and physically. I hope youre talking about Ink because if not I will personally rip your head off.

Fresh snorted. Im talking about the white one. He then walked inside, giving me a cup of coffee. I thought you looked tired, so I made you coffee. Error said you like black.

Too tired to care about the somewhat rude comment, I gratefully sipped the coffee. It was true, I did like black coffee. I dont understand how people could drink coffee with all the added stuff in it- it doesnt taste as good to me when you add all the stuff. Actually, it doesnt taste good period when you add all that.

I let out a rustic sigh, getting up and stretching. Alright, lets get ready to go.

999 words without the bold, 1145 with.

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