Where you belong

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"This is everyone?" Eric asked as the Amity member who helped Four and Tris were brought to him. Reluctantly the Amity leaders agreed. Eric sighed, it didn't add up. Something was missing. But he went along with it.

He'd taken up the request to search Amity over the other factions. He was hoping, maybe he'd get to see you. It happened occasionally. If he was out on a run or he was delivering supplies. He'd see you hard at work. You looked happier out there. Happier than you'd ever been at Erudite. He'd stop for a few moments when he could and just watch. If he missed anything from Erudite it was you.

He interviewed everyone but wasn't convinced. There was still something missing. He was given a room to stay in, further away from everyone else. He'd hadn't earned any trust to have a place among them. It didn't bother him.

Everywhere he went in Amity he was sure that he could see you in the crowd. He wanted it to be you. He would be staying as long as it took him to find who ever helped Triss and Four get into Erudite. Amity had something hidden. He would find it.

His room was above one of the stables. Every now and then he'd go down and pet them. Finding them calming. Today was no different. He still hadn't found what he was looking for. A noise jerked him from thought and he noticed that someone was clearing stalls at the other end of the stable. He watched carefully until you turned and looked at him. Eye wide and ducked back inside the stall.

"(Y/N)?" Eric called, hurrying over, blocking the gate to get out.

"Eric!" Your tone didn't sound as relieved to see him as Eric had hopped. Infact, you seemed oddly nervous. You'd grown up together. Before he decided to move to dauntless he'd wondered if he'd marry you. He never thought you'd be so uncomfortable around him. Backing away he leant on the stall opposite giving you room to flee.

"You're still here?"

"Well, something doesn't add up. I need to figure out what happened."

"I thought you already knew who did everything." You mumbled.

"Just a few holes in what the leaders are saying. I'm sure it's nothing." Eric answered quickly. You looked relieved and he was sure you relaxed a little. His eyes narrowed as he watched you. "Did you see them here. Four and Tris?"

"I guess so. We're all pretty busy here."

"New face pops up. It's a little hard to miss."

"It's a big faction. It's not as easy for me to merge in with everyone else. Still trying to get rid of the Erudite habits." Your answer made him flinch and he nodded.

"Well... it was nice to see you again." he smiled as he finished speaking and you nodded, rushing away, leaving the stall half finished.


"Eric?" A few days had passed. He'd seen you more and more but you avoided him. Sometimes it was obvious, other times he could kid himself into thinking you just hadn't seen him.

"(Y/N), are you ok?" Eric asked as he came to the stairs that led to his room.

"I need to talk to you."

"Sure." His heart soared. You had missed him. Seeing him around must have made it harder. He was so close and so far at the same time.

"It's about Four and Tris." Your answer made his hopes plummet. His heart skipped a beat.


"It was me."

"You... let them in Amity?"

"No. I'm the one that helped them." You said so quietly he almost hadn't heard. You were staring at the floor now. Waiting for him to do something.

"Helped them?"

"With Erudite." You looked at him with wide eyes, filled with fear and nerves. It looked as if the worry had eaten away at you. The sound of cars pulling up made Eric glance away. He'd called in and said he couldn't find anything more the night before.

"Come on." He said quickly. His arm alid around your waist and he marched you to the other end of the barn to a back door. "Who else knows?"

"No one that would tell anyone."

"You're sure? Just you, Tris, Four. That's it?"

"My friend... I asked him to help them when they got here. But he wouldn't give me up, we're both..."

"You're Amity now. You can't trust him."

"You're not Amity... I can trust you?"

"I will deal with him. Just please, stay in Amity. Don't go out of your faction. It won't be safe. I will deal with this. I promise." He sounded urgent. His arms slid around you and pulled you into a hug. His head leant against yours and you could hear him softly in hale before letting out a low sigh. You were sure that he had pressed a gentle kiss to your head as he pulled away. "You need to be sure that you stay away from all this. If the wrong person finds out..." Eric stopped as he looked at you. Eyes wide and tearful, worried but trusting. For a few moments he wanted the world to be different. That he could be with you and watch you twirl around him, playful, the way you had been when you were both kids. Clothes made of the mix of colours not just your factions. Soft music and warm air. The two of you could just be together. When you jumped at his name being called he crashed back into reality. It made his chest ache to have to leave his dream world.

"But Eric if you lie about..."

"(Y/N) please. Go. If they find you they'll ask questions." Eric said firmly. He needed you to be the one to leave. He couldn't pull himself away; he was starting to realise how much he'd missed you. His eyes closed as you leant up and kissed his cheek and there it was, the same daydream. As you pulled away it was like an elastic band snapping. His heartbeat calmed. His thoughts cleared. But his daydream was gone. He watched you run towards one of the fields. As he did he steeled his nerves. He would do whatever it took to protect you. He'd give himself up before he ever surrendered you. As he turned to head back inside he took one look at you, surrounded by greenery and animals, people fussing you to see why you seemed upset. You belonged with him, he knew it as a fact, the way you know to run from a raging fire. But you belonged here too. He could give you that at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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