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You flinched as Tho slammed Liam to the floor. You could see him losing it but when you went to help Liam a large hand gripped your shoulder, making Mason glance over to see who'd stopped you.

"You're the best here. Don't throw that away by helping weak ones." Eric scoffed.

You shrugged him off, moving quickly, shoving Theo away from Liam as you helped him up. "You doing ok?" You asked, not referring to the huge bruises that were healing but to the glowing eyes and the fact that Liam looked ready to tear Theo apart.

He nodded and got back up, glancing at Eric who'd watched the exchange suspiciously. You managed to convince him to let you take Liam away.

"I can't keep doing this." Liam hissed as he sat on your bunk. You patted his shoulder as you sat beside him. "I mean. W were hiding here until Scott found Stiles but we haven't heard anything from anyone."

"Just try and put up with Theo and hold on. We're almost through being initiates and after that it'll get a little easier." you comforted. He cheered up a bit and once people began to file into the room he motioned for you to help him find Mason.


"You." Eric called, making you jumped when he grabbed at you. "What's up with the kid you were with today?"

"You... you mean Liam?" You asked warily.

"Yeah, what's wrong with him?" He snapped, frowning at you.

"Nothing, just he had issues with Theo who'd be more than happy to kill him. Not that you'd even care." You snapped, it was a half truth but you hoped Eric would take it face on and let you leave.

"Well then what's wrong with his eyes. The cameras around here have picked up a few flares and stuff. Only on that kid and Theo." Eric grinned when you swallowed and glanced around.

His grin vanished when you tackled him to a dark corner and pinned him down, surprising him with his strength and skill. "You tell anyone what you're seeing and I'll make you wish you'd kept your mouth shut."

He laughed, quickly flipping your hold and slamming you into the floor so he could look down at you. "See I think I should ask some questions, tell people about you. You lot are weirdly skilled and strong considering you're supposed to be Amity. Why'd any Amity want to come here and on that note. When has one ever been able to fight like you and your friends?"

"Bite me." You snapped, getting out of his grip before darting off to find Liam and Mason.


"Theo. Just let us go." Mason hissed, glancing at the door where you and Liam were due to come through at any second.

"Why. I need to cover myself, Eric's been pretty antsy all day. He wants to catch you lot and if I help, I doubt he'll think to check who I am." Theo grinned maliciously as you and Liam appeared.

"Get out of our way." You snapped, fumbling for your gear.

"Looking for this? Yeah. I'm turning that into Eric, evidence so he knows i'm not making up the whole hunters, werewolves and whatevers are hiding here." Theo grinned as you shook your head.

"Are you planning on telling him you're a Chimera? How about the huge groups of people that are following some bird woman looking for a safe place to live. The maze places that Stiles might be in? All the people that need help. What happens to them if we get caught?" You asked quickly. Theo shrugged and motioned that he didn't care.

Everyone jumped as a shot fired and you all froze, waiting for whatever would happen next. Eric hopped off a rooftop between you. Theo slumped as he held his leg and growled. "You do know that's just gonna make him mad right?" Mason asked.

"You lot better explain or I'm not helping." Eric snapped.

"Helping us with what?" Liam asked quickly and Eric pulled out a screen with Malia in a Erudit test room.

"This one was with the factionless. Overheard her looking for you and we picked her up." He smirked when you glanced among each other, gun expertly trained on Theo who knew better than to get up.

"We don't have a choice. We can get out and leave Malia or we can try and get Malia but we'll probably get caught." You pointed out.

"Fine. We'll tell you everything if you don't kill any of us." Mason said, jabbing his finger at Malia's screen to include her. Eric nodded as he grabbed Theo by the back of his neck.

Eric Coulter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now