Werewolf (Part Two)

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"Anything else?" You asked as you finished explaining everything to Eric who eyed Theo suspiciously. He snatched your gear from him and handed it to you.

"You're telling me there's more people out there. Erudite has more cities and a... maze?" Erica asked as if he was finding it hard to take anything in.

"Yes. We hid hear to train up and rest. We were supposed to meet our alpha but if you have Malia that means something has gone wrong. Also our vulnerable pack members are alone." You explained carefully and he nodded.

For a moment you thought he might turn you all in. Or kill the whole lot of you. Instead he pointed his gun at Theo who backed up and looked very nervous. "You one of these or am I killing you?" He asked quickly.

"He's a Chamera." Liam popped up and Eric started to lower the gun.

"He's not one of ours though." Mason muttered and Eric shrugged, setting off a second shot that sent electricity running through his body.

Eric had you all give him more information and while you pointed out telling him was a risk Liam was convinced that Malia wouldn't make it through the night in Erudite and you all agreed on whatever it took to get her out.


"Come on." You snapped at the boys as they rushed to keep up with you. Mason has a backpack filled with things you would need in an emergency. Eric had given you all light weight armour that would fit comfortably under your new clothes. You were each given clothes that made it easier to run.

"You really think Eric is doing all of this because he wants to help? What if he just wants us to lead him to the rest of the pack?" Mason asked as you paused, seeing someone familiar at the edge of one of Amity's far fields.

"Erudite said that they used their technology to track whether there was anyone out there and told the entire city they were the only survivors. They're conducting secret experiments and are holding a werecoyote hostage. He wants the truth." You pointed out simply which was when Liam seemed to also spot the person you'd seen.

"What happens to use when he finds the maze and the other cities?" Mason asked and you gave him an awkward look and decided to leave his question unanswered.

"Brett?" You said and the boy who was working the field stopped and looked at you.

"(Y/N)?" He said and you both looked at each other awkwardly.

"How long you been here?" Liam asked him and he shrugged.

"I think me and a few people arrived a few days after you joined Dauntless." He said as he glanced around at the few people who were working around him.

"We're trying to get Malia away from Erudite." You told Brett who winced.

"Look i'll help you sort out what you're doing here but I'm not risking exposing myself. I know what they're doing to Malia, I watched them catch her." He admitted. You sighed and accepted the reluctant offer.

Eric arrived later on that day, huge trucks and dauntless soldiers armed to the teeth. Brett skulked off and hid away, leaving you all with Eric. "I've looked into what you've said. There is plenty of evidence that Erudite if hiding other cities. I don't like being lied to." Eric grumbled to you all.

"So what're you planning on doing?" You asked him.

"We're going to find the survivors and bring them back here. Show the whole city and then find this maze." Eric said firmly as he pointed the three of you to the truck.

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