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You groaned when you realised Eric was making his rounds and inspecting the inciates he was training. Catching you off guard your opponent slammed their fist into the side of your face, spinning you off your feet with the force of the blow.

"(Y/N)!" Eric snapped as she stood over you and glared down.

"What?" You snapped as you got to your feet and stepped onto the mat again.

He had planned on yelling at you. However the way you jumped up without hesitation surprised him. Normally initiates paced themselves, they wouldn't rush back in. Either they were used to the strength needed to train as hard as he pushed them.

He watched you closely as you trained. You didn't hit top of the class by any mean stretch but he was impressed that you managed to keep up with the best.

One afternoon he dropped into to put pressure on the training session after deciding the initiates were slacking. He hummed in surprise when he realised you were fighting several opponents, one after the other. You seemed to be able to pick up and mimc their moves and styles, without being shown how or what you should be looking for.

"(Y/N), take a break!" You trainer called. Eric frowned when a less impressive pair started to fight. You dropped to the floor, sitting and painting as you downed a cup of water someone handed you.

"You're taking her out?" Eric asked, frowning when the trainer shrugged, Eric never liked them much. Not that he liked many people.

"(Y/N) will keep going till she can't stand. Not going to let her slack off because she tired herself out here." They gestured to the fighting mat.

"(Y/N)! You're next up." Eric shouted and motioned for you to take the next fight. Ignoring your trainers objection you stepped up onto the ring. He watched the way you fought, first using what you'd picked up to put the other fighter on edge then you started mimicking their moves to throw them off before spinning around and knocking them out of the ring.

"Are you impressed? She's got one trick. She won't make it through initiation." The trainer said to Eric who rolled his eyes and motioned for you to follow him.

"Hey!" You objected when he grabbed you by the arm and dragged you through to Max's offices.

"I'm going to be training you personally, you have some good potential. I just need to run it by Max." Eric grumbled as he glowered at anyone who stared.

Eric Coulter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now