Not Her (Part Two)

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Max had pulled Eric aside. You couldn't hear what they were saying but he was hissing something angrily. Reluctantly Eric fumbled with his gun and walked over to you. There was no emotion on his face now. But he hesitated. "Eric please." You said quietly, unsure what he would do.

"Begging wont stop me doing this." Eric said firmly and raised the gun. Tears streamed down your face as you heard two shots and collapsed.

"I'm sorry. But the order to get rid of Divergents came from higher up." Max said bitterly. Once Max and the other Dauntless made quick work of the rest. Max didn't say anything to Eric who was staring at you. His breath was ragged, shallow. He still felt like he couldn't breath. Once the group of Dauntless were done Max left Eric alone with you. Eric stayed, reaching out to touch your hand.

"What did you do?" Your friend gasped when she entered the room. Eric had time to stand before she was angrily thumping her fists on his chest and shouting at him through tears.

"Listen. Will you stop. Calm down!" He snapped the last words louder than he had ment. No one bothered to come into the room to see what was happening. "I need your help."

"Why the hell would I help you?" She spat and pulled away from him. Eric glared at her. He hadn't liked her growing up. His reputation in Dauntless hadn't helped. "You're a bastard Eric. She loved you and you left her here, you knew, you must have known what she was and you dragged her in here. You killed her. I always said hanging around with you would get her killed. You just can't let her go, even if it will get her killed. You just think about you."

"You were the one helping her sneak around to see me!" Eric snapped at her.

"Oh, don't put this on me. She would have gone to find you one way or another. I just made sure she wasn't caught, that she wouldn't be punished because you can't let go." She was seething with anger. "I need you to help me get her out of here." Opening his hand he showed her one of the newer Erudite bullets. Once that was like undetectable tranquillisers that could be shot from any Dauntless weapon.

"You..." She trailed off in shock. He let her move closer to you. His second shot had been a glancing blow but was convincing enough that it looked lethal.

"If I get her into Dauntless I can fix her up. She can change her hair and..."

"And what Eric. Stay there with you, hiding away while you go around killing people like her?" Your friend snapped.

"I can sneak her into Amity. We just have to act like she's dead." Eric stared at her and she reluctantly agreed.


You achedd. All over. Close to your neck burned so badly that you whimpered when you moved. "Don't." A familiar voice said. You were laying on a bed. In a room that was high up off the ground. You could see over the rooftops and out over the Amity fields for miles. All you had to do was turn your head. Stopping your movements you gave up on standing and settled for sitting up.

"Tori fixed you up as best she could but... It'll still hurt." Eric stood at the edge of the room. He looked scared to approach you. For once you were glad he was so cold. "This should help you heal." He tossed a pot of salve on the bed.

"You... shot me. Tried to kill me. You." Was all you could get out. Eric couldn't look at you. He sighed and shifted, out of all the time you'd spent with Eric he'd never looked so ashamed or guilty for anything. "You must have known to plan that out. What if you'd missed and killed me! Did you practice shooting me in the neck? Pick out special bullets to see which one would hurt less?"

"I'm a good shot. I grazed your shoulder at the right angle. It's not quiet on your neck because... that would kill you." Eric trailed off as you got to your feet. When you walked closer to him he reached out for your hip. He jerked back when you slapped him. There was a soft cry of pain as the healing wound stung. It felt better having slapped Eric you decided.

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