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Eric stomped through the room to grab a tray of food. He was late so the best food was gone, putting him in a foul mood. With a glowering scowl he glanced around, daring anyone who was looking over at him to continue doing so.

When he finally started to eat, he spotted a girl at the other end of the table, nervously fiddling with her cup, as if waiting for something. He finished quickly, leaving like almost everyone else had, glancing back suspiciously when the girl put her cup on the side and left.

The next time Eric saw her was at lunch the next day, she had an empty tray bar a drink which made him frown considering he hadn't seen her at breakfast and she would probably be starving. At dinner, he waited and spotted her coming in with a group of people who all chatted as if she wasn't there.

After pretending to leave he watched her set the apple she'd gotten back with the others and head off into the crowded halls in the directions of what he assumed was your rooms.

"I need to see..." Eric muttered not explaining himself as he started to sift through files of all the female Dauntless around the age he guessed you'd be.

"You can't do that without Max's permission." The person who had been sorting the files said but Eric just ignored them.

"Yeah it's fine I've got the one I need." Eric sighed, stomping off with the file.


He watched you for a while, somehow managing to find time to keep an eye on you while keeping up with his usual work. Other people started to notice and some even offered to talk to you for Eric so he didn't scare you but he rejected the offer.

"Here." He set a tray of food in front of you.

"I'm not hungry." You mumbled, not looking up from the tray.

"You've only eaten twice in the last few days and I've checked your files, its effecting your work." Eric muttered, the sound of gentleness in his voice made you look up at him in surprise.

"Maybe you just haven't seen me eat?" You offered and he shrugged.

"Maybe but I'd still feel better if you ate... please?" He smiled when you reluctantly stabbed at a few pieces of pasta and slowly ate them. "Thank you." Getting he didn't even glance back.

"Wait that's it?" You asked curiously confused by how adamant he'd been just seconds before.

"You're getting used to being hungry, you need to eat and then you'll have more energy and you'll feel better." He answered quickly.

"I didn't ask you to help me." You snapped and frowned, prodding the food with your fork.

"Well apparently, when people have friends they step in and help each other without asking." Eric said firmly with a slight smile.

"So, does that make us friends?" You asked curiously and Eric nodded.

"I guess it does." Eric nodded, watching you carefully as you had another mouthful before returning the tray. "Would you like me to walk you to your room?"

"Sure... thanks." You mumbled, shuffling after him.


After a year, Eric relaxed a little. You started to improve enough for him to feeling his constant pestering would irritate you. But in fact, you'd grown to appreciate Eric greatly, having him there for the ups and downs, the struggles and the worst moments was comforting.

"You're going to be late for dinner." Eric muttered when he found you working out.

"What I have another twenty minutes." You complained, frowning when he pointed to the clock.

"If you're still not tired you can come on a patrol with me tonight... unless you want to get some rest?" He swallowed and for a few seconds you swore he looked nervous.

"Yeah sure, I'm not that tired." You smiled and practically bounced over to him.

"Yeah, I know, you got caught on the cameras breaking in here to work out after it was closed." He chuckled grabbing your bag for you as you both made your way down to get some food.

Later that evening Eric found himself with you bounding around him happily, an utter turnaround from when Eric had first spoken to you. It always surprised Eric when you didn't seem to realise how far you'd come in just a year and even though you still had down moments he always smugly happy when you came to him for an answer or just a person to sit with and say nothing.

"Eric come on you're being slow." You giggled, hurtling back around the corner you'd vanished from and grabbed his jacket, hurrying him along. "The lights are so bright over by Amity."

"Yeah... kind of nice I guess, never really thought about it before." He rolled his eyes when you agreed.

"They're beautiful." You whispered in awe, staring at the stars, not noticing Eric's eyes fixed firmly on you.

"You're beautiful." He muttered without realising it, smiling when you blushed and started to shuffle awkwardly.

Eric Coulter Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें