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You growled under your breath as you twirled, unable to take Eric down as he tackled you. With a hiss you used your knees to get him off you and rolled away, trying to charge at him only to collide with the floor with a hard thump.

He annoyed you, to the core. It made you angry that you couldn't beat him and he seemed to enjoy winding you up. Sometimes you felt like he pushed himself as hard as he could to actually beat you. Instead of helping you train the way some of the other leaders would, if you happened to be training. "I've had enough." You said bitterly. You could feel bruises and strains starting to ache already as you stumbled to your feet and looked around for your water bottle, ready to leave.

"We have an elephant in the room, and its name is sex."

"Excuse me?" You said, stopped halfway to the door to turn and see him standing, arms crossed and a smug smile plastered on his face.

"You want to fuck me and that's why you're getting sloppy."

"Maybe I'm getting sloppy because you're throwing me around so hard. It's training to build up my strength. Don't break me."

"You want me."

"I want to. To punch you in your stupid face." You said fimly, leaving as he called out.

"You'll give in to me! You'll come begging!"

Eric Coulter Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن