Stable Boy

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"You can't expect us to get along with them, they don't want peace." You hissed at Johanna who sighed.

"(Y/N), please, things are delicate enough as they are, just be polite to him." She begged, greeting Max as she motioned for you to join Eric.

"We'll try and be quick." She promised before jerking your head towards Eric who was walking around the stables.

"You know they're horses, the wont attack." You tutted and pointed to his gun.

"You don't like me so you might." He pointed out.

"We are nonviolent, why would you need a weapon." You smiled and stroked at the nearest horse.

"Anyone is capable of anything, even you." He warned which made you roll your eyes.

"What do you want with us this time, why can't Dauntless just leave us in peace?" You sighed, glancing away from him when he looked at you.

"Divergent make it necessary for us to do this, we're trying to keep you safe." Eric answered quickly.

"Are you, is this what keeping us safe means, scaring us all?" he laughed at your question, nodding as he walked over to the horse you were petting, leaning over you to pat its neck.

"Perhaps we're a necessary evil?" He asked you, looking down when you pulled away and stepped away from him.

"Perhaps." You nodded, smiling when the leaders came back.

"I suppose I'll see you next time." He sighed, looking at you for a moment before following Max.

"You have to make them stop coming here, Johanna we can't keep..." You trailed off when she smiled sadly.

"We are working on that, the agreement we came to will be announced later tonight." She left you alone, wondering what they'd agreed to, hoping Dauntless hadn't forced their hand.

"As of tonight, a Dauntless member will be joining each faction, this is to keep the threat of Divergents at a limit." Johanna explained, glancing at you when you shook your head and started to leave the gathering.

"Why should we have to let them live here?" Someone called out of the crowd and she glanced down at her feet.

"It was the best I could do with the options we had and I am sorry." She held you gaze as she spoke, smiling when you nodded.

"She trusts you." Eric chuckled when he made you jump, leaning against a pillar as Johanna told everyone that he would be staying.

"Why have you agreed to this, you know there is no real threat?" you asked him and he shrugged.

"Why are we sending leaders to the other factions or why am I here?" He glared at the few people who tried to come to the pair of you and complain until they left you alone.

"Both, although I imagine control and narcissism are at the top of the list?" You shuffled away, stopping when Johanna told you Eric would be staying in the small building with you nearer to the rest of the city.

"I understand the circumstance is not ideal but..." She started but you frowned and shook your head.

"For the sake of the faction I will allow him to place himself so high above the others." You grumbled. "But I won't do it happily."

"Perhaps you can find a way to soften him." She joked and left you to lead Eric away.

"This is small." He commented, flicking at a plant which hung over the table.

"This isn't meant to be a luxury; besides, we don't spend much time indoors anyway." You grabbed at two of the blankets that were neatly rolled up on the table, pleased that there were two beds even if it was in the same room.

"You don't spend much time indoors... what if it rains?" He asked have joking.

"You'll probably work in the fields or help move the heavier stuff, you can lift heavy things, right?" You smiled when you seemed to tweak his pride and he grabbed at boxes that were being stored in the building while it wasn't in use and moved them out of the way.

"I could put you all to shame." He grumbled.

"I doubt that." You smirked when you heard a distinct huff as he gave in to your insistence that now the gathering had finished you should get to bed for the early morning.

Eric was a morning person but he decided the Amity early morning was ridiculous. You woke him when it was still dark, hurrying him to get ready before dragging him across the Faction to gather for breakfast, abandoning him to sit with people who waved you over while he was left alone at a table.

"(Y/N)!" Someone called you over as the evening started to settle over the farm lands.

"Yeah what's up?" You asked quickly, jogging over and helping out as they headed to one of the store rooms.

"Have you seen Eric, he's supposed to be helping and we needed to finish an hour ago." They frowned when you shook your head.

"I'll go and look for him." You promised.

"The great Eric chatting with a horse, you didn't finish helping out." You smiled when Eric span to face you as if you'd startled him.

"Your Faction's managed without me so far." He pointed out, gently stroking the horse.

"You're supposed to be helping, you can't just..." You jumped when he stepped towards you suddenly.

"I lost track of time, it's calming here." He snapped sharply as if he was embraced.

"If you're still here when we replant you could help the horses plough the fields." You smiled politely and he let a small smile slid onto his face.

"Max is pretty sure I'll be stuck here for at least a year." His attention turned back to the horse who seemed to be getting fond of him.

"Then you should probably be nicer to us, or you'll end up talking to a horse for the rest of the year." You teased and headed for the door.

"You talk to me." He pointed out.

"Not by choice." You called over you should, turning to face him as you backed away, laughing when he looked a little concerned at the thought.

Eric Coulter Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें