When you see him shirtless 👕

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Jeff the killer
One day after Jeff showering, you thought it would be funny to dump ice on him, you silently walk into the bathroom, but he's already done and is drying his hair, you drop the bucket and hold your nose, it was bleeding, he turns around, sees the bucket, sees your current state, and smirks, "Like what you see?" He says flexing for you, "N-NO!" He held you by the waist when you turned to leave, "I know when your lying to me (Y/N).." he said in your ear, you were surprised, you wrap your hands around his neck, "Hey how did you turn Neko?" You say flustered and trying to change the subject, "Potion.." he says with his hand in your hair, slowly running through it, he sniffs your hair, "nice conditioner" he say as he puts his face by your cheek, "You know....I don't only have to be shirtless right now..." he says, you can just hear the smirk in his voice, "N-NO!!" You say, he giggles, "I know you want me..." he says moving his hand down your thigh, "NOT. FUCKING. YET." You say flustered and smacking his hand away and walking out, "damn I was getting it good though.." he says putting a shirt on.

One day while Ben is manually washing, you decide to come see if he accidentally dropped water on his pants again, but when you walk in, he's done and now drying, you start blushing and you then stutter, attempting to find the words to continue being alive, he looks at you in shock, but then it turns to a perverted smirk, he walks up behind you, holds your waistline and butt, and starts to kiss your neck, "I can tell you like what you see sexy" he says continuing to kiss you, when he brushes over your sweet spot, you squeak, but before he can attack it and go further in other places, you push his face away and blush even more, "p-please...not yet Ben...I don't want it to move that fast.." you say in a caring but serious way, still blushing, he hugs you, "Yeah sorry, but I can't help myself sometimes, your just so addictive, haha" he giggles and hugs you tighter, "I.....c-can't....breath babe..." he giggles and let's go.

One day while walking into slenders at-home gym, you see slender with dumbbells, but the thing is, he doesn't have a shirt, while walking and seeing this you trip on NOTHING and he comes to help you, "Whats wrong darli-...oh..." he says realizing why you fell, he helps you up and kisses your check, you move your hand onto his arm, and watch in fascination, he was usually really skinny, but now he had some muscle on him, he laughs and continues to work out, you just sit and have 20 nosebleeds over the whole time watching him, he laughed them all off but is concerned that your dying, when he asks you say, "uh yes..." he looks worried and hugs you, "no dove not literally, I mean that your killing me, your really hot.." he then realizes and laughs and thanking god that you're not actually dying, but also flexing to see if you blush again, and you do...................and then you faint..

Laughing Jack
One day at slenders gym, you go run on the treadmill, after a while you hear the door open and close, you stop for a moment to see hi cake in, it was Jack, but he did not appear to have his shirt on, just his suspenders and pants, you blushed and almost fainted when he used a spare pole in there to basically give any non existent people in there a stripper show, you trip on the carpet and your nose starts to bleed, he walks over, smirking, "hey babe." He says calmly as if he wasn't showing off a six pack, "h-hey babe.." you say trying not to bleed more, he picks you up while he sits down, he sits you on his lap, he starts messing with the band of your shirt entrance. Then he kisses you neck and collar bone, you shriek, "J-Jack not y-yet.." he pouts, "but I want to.." you turn away trying to recover from fatal blushing.

Ticci Toby
One day in the woods, your looking for Toby's secret hideout, you find it and hear water, you walk in and go through a series of doors, with the sound getting louder, you open on last door and see he hooked it up with a shower, cause he was uSING IT. You blush and let out awkward noises, "oh hey (Y/N)" he says as if he wasn't naked with a towel around him, "h-heyy Toby...." you say trying not to die, but all fails when he starts to kiss your neck and ears, "a-ah toby, not y-yet babe" you say pushing his head back, he only continues, and you lightly, but swiftly, smack his head, "s-stop.." he takes it seriously and hugs you, "i-I'm sorry-y.." he says in a child-like voice, you ruffle his hair, "it's okay." He smiles and ticks.

901 words be aware u write these all at once, so I usually don't get a break for a bit.