Part 21

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I want to stand with you on a mountain.                                                                                                                    I want to bathe with you in the sea.                                                                                                                              I want to lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. --- Savage Garden

Sanem was in heaven after her dinner with Can, yes, some things were left to be said but at least they would be dating, which is something they hadn't really done before, not real, let me call you and ask you out dating. She was excited.

Can had left early Saturday, picking a bunch of wildflowers and leaving them with a note on her door step.

"Sorry I have to leave without seeing you, Emre called and Baba is in town for a couple of days and wanted to meet for breakfast. Didn't have the heart to wake you. Thanks for dinner. C."

She went to call Leyla and noticed her phone flashing with a message, she opened up her phone, "Miss you already. C."

She smiled, "Well, That is one huge smile I see on that lovely face." she turned to see Mirhiban standing in her door way. She ran to hug her friend.

"Evet! Oh, I have missed you, missed our talks and enjoying our glasses of wine."

"We shall do that tonight then and you, Yes, you can tell me why you have that big smile on your face." She laughed as she walked out the door.

Sanem text Can back "welcome for dinner. Miss you also."

"How about dinner tonight?" was a quick reply.

"Not tonight, I made plans with Mirhiban, how about lunch Monday, I have a meeting with Burak and I can bring something to the office when we are finished."

"Sounds great."

After that day, they had lunch, nearly everyday, she would help him with issues with campaigns. They would talk about everything that came to mind. Of course, this was under the watchful eye of Leyla and Emre, who were thrilled but still apprehensive and Elif, who now thought Can hung the moon.

Aziz Bey had left town again promising to visit again soon. He told Sanem he was actually thinking of moving back to Istanbul, their secret.

On Thursday, almost a month, from their first dinner, she text him she had a surprise for him at lunch the next day. He text back he couldn't wait.

On Friday, Sanem got ready and drove into town, she had packed a picnic basket and was hoping she could get Can to leave the agency for a little while.

Deren met her before she entered Can's office," come talk to me for a few minutes" she said and pulled her toward her office. Leyla joined them and when she opened the office door, they could hear a loud female voice, shouting at Can.

"What is going on?"

"Huma showed up with guess who in tow?" Said Leyla, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, yes, the wicked mom and the two evil step sisters, Ceyda and Polen." Deren laughed a wicked laugh.

Sanem looked a little confused. "He told me that the two of them were never to enter his office again."

"Well, you know Huma, she only abides by her rules." answered Leyla.

Suddenly Cey Cey ran into the office and hid behind Leyla, they could hear Can shouting now. They watched as Emre walked toward Can's office. Sanem was shaking at the thought that Huma could cause him so much pain.

"Deren, I have an idea." They put their heads together as Sanem told them her plan.

"I think it best that Deren go get Emre, as we know, the Aydin sisters are not Huma's favorite." They all  agreed and watched as Deren headed toward Can's office, Sanem with Cey Cey's help ran toward the back stairs. Leyla waited for Deren to pull Emre and Huma out of Can's office.

"Can, Emre" Deren stated "Please, let's take this to a private conference room, the whole agency is watching. This needs to remain a private conversation between you. Please." She showed her hand toward the door.

"Evet, come on ladies, let's go to a more private room." Emre said. they all left Can's office, Deren leading them to a different room and Can walking slowly behind them. When he got ready to pass Deren's office, Leyla opened the door and grabbed his arm, leading him toward the back staircase. He looked at her with surprise.

"what is going on, Leyla?"

"We are doing an intervention, Sanem is waiting for you in the car park. She will be able to see you when you walk out and drive up to pick you up. Go to lunch, leave the rest to us. They will be gone if you decide to come back and if not, we will text you to not come back."

"I have work to do!"

"Really, how much work are you getting done?"  she stood with her hands on her hips. " If you need something text me and I will make sure to get it to you." She pushed him out the door, with Elif helping her push.

"I am getting tired of you" he mumbled.


He grimaced " talking to myself."

"Ah, Elif." she laughed.

Sanem was waiting, hoping the plan worked, she was starting to get nervous when she noticed the door into the garage open and Can walk out. She caught her breath at how handsome he was, she could look at him forever.

She pulled the car up and smiled "Hey, mister, need a ride?"

"Evet, little girl." he ran around the car and got in. "Where are you stealing me to?"

"I had planned on the park but we can go somewhere else if you want."

"No, the park is perfect. " She pulled off and Can grabbed her hand, not letting go until they arrived and were getting out of the car. She popped open the trunk and Can met her at the back of the car. He picked up the picnic basket as Sanem picked up a couple of blankets. They walked to an isolated area with just enough sun peeking through the trees to help keep them warm.

Can laid out the blankets then she laid out plates of fruits and cheeses, with meats and for a special treat had made a lokma, which not only had she covered the deep fried dough with honey, she had added chocolate drizzle, knowing how much Can loved it. He was amazed that the dishes she set out. They finished eating a ndCan laid his head in Sanem's lap.

"Thank you for getting me out of there. I was ready to pull my hair out."

"Well, I had help."

"Sanem, you saved me today." He gave her a little smile then played with a strand of her hair, he then tucked it behind her ear. He wanted to kiss her so badly. "I was ready to lose back there. Huma does not know her boundaries."

They talked for a little while longer then Can received a text from Emre saying Huma and the "Evil step sisters" had left but for him not to come back because she was not about to give up today. He showed the text to her and she laughed, "Deren named them the evil step sisters." He laughed with her.

"So, what is my surprise?"

"I talked to the owner of the mountain hut, they said you were more than welcome to come this weekend and spend the night, as long as you watched the fire and made sure when you left it is completely out."

He sat up and hugged her "Wow! That is fantastic and no one will know where I am except for you."

She smiled "I hope you enjoy your evening, it is beautiful there, peaceful and calm."

"Will you join me?"

She looked away shyly "Maybe. We will see."

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