Part 16

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Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. -- Mark Twain

Can's POV

It has been a couple of weeks since the phone call from Sanem, I am ok with that because we have text each other several times. Mirhiban says that we needed to go slow so that we don't make the same mistakes, we know we have chemistry, we know we love each other but we need to really get to know each other. Listen to each other.  I understand what she is saying, if we just give and get forgiveness then we fall into the old traps of never really resolving the issues. I know that we need to talk, and as soon as Sanem is ready I will be also.  We were becoming friends, which I like very much. We are communicating so I was happy.

She had text me this morning, wondering if, since we were now sharing her inner voice, should we give her a name. I  laughed and sent her a smiley emoji but in my head the voice simply said, "Elif." Right as I heard the name a text from Sanem came through "Elif."

Texting back my reply "I agree"   I smiled, text that I needed to leave for the agency and for her to have a great day. Her reply was a smile emoji.

Can headed into the agency when a text came through, he reached for his phone, hoping it was from Sanem, but , it was Ceyda. He ignored the text. 

The problem was, and it was becoming more irritating every day, Ceyda was texting or calling him multiple times during the day and even several times at night. He only answered her if she were asking about the campaign. She kept insinuating that she wanted to have dinner with him, that they should get to know each other better.  She just wouldn't get a clue, she was still trying to become involved in his personal life and he was nicely trying to let her down. She was playing a game, he was the prize. He had seen this from women before and he was not interested then or now. And this woman, had treated Sanem badly, she had looked down her nose, degrading her every chance she had and Can would not let that happen this time. 

He had talked to Mirhiban about it and her advise was that some women just needed to be put in their place, sometimes you had to take be a little "not so nice", sometimes even unpleasant,  for them to get a clue. Ceyda was becoming more aggressive everyday and the not so nice Can was about to come out.

Can's POV

After I got to my office, I asked Cey Cey to bring me one of the company's note cards and to ask Deren to join me.  

I wrote out the card and addressed it Ceyda, when Deren arrived I asked her to have the note couriered to Ceyda ASAP. Then I went over my plan, I told her that when Ceyda called to set up a meeting, when she arrived Deren was to bring her to my office and stay during the meeting. For no reason was she to leave the room. I warned her Ceyda was going to be upset.

"Well, Can, I must say I agree with what you are doing. That woman is delusional." she smirked "I will have security on stand-by, just in case."  

Sanem's POV

Today is the day, I am going to go to the agency, I want to ask Can face to face if we can have lunch and talk. I need to do this facing him. I want to see his eyes, watch his reactions.  I just hope that I don't get the same kind of greeting as I did last time. Her inner voice sighed with happiness.

Ceyda was surprised when her assistant brought a card from Firki Haraki to her office. She knew the handwriting was Can's, she had seen those bold strokes on their previous contracts. Finally, she thought as she tore open the card. Her face turned red with fury as she read his words.

"Ceyda, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to place a bid for your new ad campaign but at this time I feel it is in the best interest of Firki Haraki that I withdraw our bid. Once again, thank you for the opportunity.  Can Divit"

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