Part 4

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Rainy days and Mondays always get me down -- The Carpenters


Sanem was rushing into the company, she was running late and she had wanted to try to catch Leyla before she went to her office. She wanted her to know that she was resigning from the publishing house as soon as she turned the manuscript into Yigit today.

As she stepped through the door, she looked up toward the agency to see if Leyla was nearby. She stopped abruptly, she was looking at the back of a tall, dark headed man. Taking in a deep breath, she noticed that he had broad shoulders and his hair was shoulder length. But the tingles she was feeling told her it was him, Can Divit. She rushed down the stairs to her office and called Leyla.

"Gunaydin Abla"

"Leyla, is Can in the agency?" She sounded breathless. Was he home? Was this why Polen was here and had come to warn her to stay away?

"I don't know, Sanem, I just walked into my office.  Let me check it out and call you back"

"Evet, please!"

Leyla hung up the phone, she was going to kill Emre and Can for talking her into this. Sanem will be so mad at me when she hears the truth she thought as she walked nearly ran to Emre's office.

She rushed through his door "Sanem seen Can! What am I going to say to her?" She cried "I can't do this anymore. I should have never agreed to keep this from her. I have to tell her the truth."

"Leyla, calm down, please." He said. "we need to go talk to Can."

They walked toward Can's office, Leyla was wringing her hands together. Right as they got to his door and about to knock, Polen walked up. She looked at Leyla with disgust and then turned to Emre with a smile.

"Gunaydin." She said.

"Ah, Polen we were just about to go into an important meeting with Can." Emre said, hoping she would take a hint and leave.

"Can, will not mind if I am in his office." She said. "After we work things out I will part of the agency as Can's wife.

Leyla was stunned, was Polen telling the truth had Can lied to her about his feelings for Polen.

She walked into the office and toward Can to hug him but he put his hands up and backed away.

"Polen, what are you doing here?" Can asked.

Leyle could tell he was not comfortable with her being there. So, Polen was lying. Can had said he told Polen he wanted nothing more to do with her after he had found out her how she had treated Sanem and schemed with his mother to break them up.

"Can, we need to talk and work things out. I know you are upset with me but we belong together. And I would prefer we do it privately but you won't take my calls and you are never at home, so I came here."

"First of all, I am not taking your call because we are through. I tried to remain friends but you keep pushing even though you know I want nothing more from you. Second, if you are going to my baba's house, I don't live there anymore, that is Emre and Leyla's home. So, please try to understand, I want nothing more to do with you." He said. She tried to walk toward him again. "Polen, please have some self respect and quit chasing me. I have told you several times I want you out of my life."

"This is because of Sanem, she has done you wrong and you still love her." She shouted.

"Evet! I do even if we won't ever be together, I still love her. I will always love her and there is no room in my heart for anyone else. So please leave my office and don't come back."

As Polen turned to walk out the door, Leyla's phone buzzed with a text. She quickly replied to Sanem that she needed a few minutes and then would call her.

"Can" Emre began "Sanem seen you this morning when she was walking into the agency."

"Well, are you sure she knew it was me?" He looked at Leyla.

Leyla rolled her eyes at him "Really!" she said. She stood up straighter, she would need all her courage to face Can.

"She seen you walking away, just your backside. But, you are a very distinctive looking person. But that isn't the only problem, I cannot lie to her anymore. I refuse to lie to her anymore. Emre told me he thought you would finally talk to her but all you have done is hide from her. You have kept your secret long enough Can."

"Leyla, please! What good will it do for her to know I never left?"

Those words set her off!

"Oh, so as long as it benefits Can Bey, lying and keeping secrets are ok. You were mean and cruel to Sanem, who by the way, didn't lie about Fabri, she kept it to herself, with advice from others to do so." She was speaking loudly now "But the great Can Divit, can keep secrets and lie and that's ok. Well, your moral compass is off, if you think it is ok for you to keep something like this from Sanem. No more! You have hurt my abla for the last time. I am going to tell her the truth and hope she doesn't stay mad at me for very long. I may not deserve her forgiveness, but you certainly don't deserve it, but we both know she will give it to us anyway because that is who she is."

Can was about to speak but Leyla walked out slamming the door, texting Sanem to tell Yigit she needed to leave and to meet her in the car park. She then text Emre that she was taking the day off.

Can was pacing the floor in his office "Emre you have to stop her."

"No, I agree with her. Sanem needs to be told the truth. She should have known from the very first and you should have told her yourself. Now I am asking Allah that she forgives me once again. He started to step out of Can's office when Can's words stopped him.

"What did Leyla mean by others telling her not to tell me about Fabri?"

Emre stopped, closed his eyes and spoke "Forgive me Abi, but with all that was going on at the time, both Leyla and I talked Sanem out of telling you about their deal." He then turned and walked out the door. He text Leyla asking where they were going that he wanted to be with her when she told Sanem.

Leyla text back that she was waiting downstairs for Sanem to finish her meeting with Yigit.

Texting her back he wrote "I am on my way."

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