Part 17

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Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men --                               Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  Can's POV

I am woke up by Elif, she is doing a little happy dance in my head, "Come on sleepy head you don't want to miss a minute of this day."  She taps herself out of my head.

"Elif? Elif?" now where did she go. I get up and head into the shower.

Sanem's POV

Elif is in my head, "Get up Sanem, you need to get ready!"

"Ah, Elif, I have plenty of time, leave me alone" I say to her. 

"But, Sanem, you want to look your prettiest."

"Git! I have a lot of time before I need to get up."

 I here the swoosh as she leaves me alone. I lay back down but it is no use, she has me wide awake. Ok, she is right, I do want to look my best.

"I told you so!" Allah, she is back, now she is tapping her little foot, with one finger resting on her chin, as if thinking really hard about something.  "Wear pink, he loves you in pink and make sure you wear your cream."

"Elif, we are just going to talk, this is not a date."

"Hmmph"  swoosh she is gone, I have made her unhappy once again.

Can gets to the agency early, no one is there so he heads to his office, he keeps looking at his phone, he has not heard from Sanem since early yesterday, he wonders if he should text her then decides it might be best to just leave her alone, she will text him, he doesn't want to push.

Cey Cey walks in with a cup of tea about half hour later. Can ask him if Deren has arrived.

The little man just looks at him with a funny look on his face "Do you hear her, cause she's not usually quiet in the mornings, yelling for Coffeeee."

Can laughs, Cey Cey mimics her perfectly.

"Okay, tell her to come to my office so we can go over today's agenda. he says "thanks for the tea, friend."

Cey Cey nods and leaves his office, he looks at his phone again.

"Stop, she will call you"  says Elif. 

"There you are! I thought you left me after your little tap dance in my head this morning."

Elif giggles and Can smiles along with her. It's at this moment, Deren walks in.

"Well, someone is in a good mood this morning." she says.

"Evet, the morning started out well.  What do we have today,  I would like to try and get out of the office early today. Since it's Friday, everyone can leave as soon as all meetings are done."

"We have a creative team meeting this morning to go over the new ad visuals and then a new client meeting at eleven thirty. Those are the only two meetings I have scheduled."

"A new client?"

"Evet, publishing company has a new author they want promoted and they liked the ads we did for Sanem's first book."

"Okay, let me freshen my tea and I will meet you in the conference room."

Deren leaves, giving herself a high five. She cannot wait til eleven thirty.

The creative meeting goes well, the team has done an excellent job with the changes needed for the ad campaign. Can is very pleased. Now if Hikmet Bey will just stick to this campaign. The team is leaving the conference room and he tells Deren to call him when the new client arrives. She nods her head ok, he can tell her mind is off thinking of something else, so he leaves and goes to his office.

At eleven thirty, Deren goes down to the employee lounge, the client is just walking in the door as she arrives.

Deren runs up and hugs her  "Oh, I have missed you so much."

"I miss working with you also." She smiled "Does Can have any clue what is going on?"

"No, he only know that we have a new client, a publishing company with a new author they wanted promoted by Firki Haraki since we did such a great job with Sanem's first book." She looks at her friend. "You look better than the last time I saw you."

"I feel better, both mentally and physically. I needed the break."

"Shall we head up?"

"Evet" She smiles.

They took the back stairs to the small conference room. She closed the door and goes to find Can. On her way, she ran into Cey Cey and told him that there was a new client in the small conference room and they did not want to be disturbed during this meeting. He shook his head ok. 

"Can, the client is here, seems extremely nice. I think they will be easy to work with." She said.

"Evet" Can picked up his moonstones, Elif was back in his head with little pink tap shoes on "Cute shoes." he said.

"Pardon?" Deren looked at him.

"Just talking to myself." he answered, looking up at the ceiling.

When they got to the conference room, she tells him that she will go get tea and coffee and be right back. 

He opened the door, "Wow" he thought "from the back she looks like Sanem." 

"Gunaydin" he says.

Slowly,  She turned to face Can, he took a couple of steps back, placed his hand on his heart.



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