Part 15

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until I'm ready let me be
I have to heal myself -- Samantha King

Can walked into work on Monday, more relaxed than he had been in a while. Knowing Sanem was ok, and being with Mirhiban, talking about what Sanem had told her, was a relief. Yes, she wasn't ready to talk to him but she also hadn't said she never would be. So for him that was a positive, she wasn't telling him she never wanted to see him so he was holding onto hope.

Deren walked into his office "Gunaydin Can."

"Gunaydin. What is on the agenda for today?" He asked.

"Well, Ceyda called Friday and scheduled an appointment this morning." He lifted his eyebrows, Ceyda had not been in contact with the agency since they finished the first campaign for Compass Sports. "She says, she wants to discuss a new ad campaign. She should be here within the hour."

"Ok, have Cey Cey bring me some tea and I will work on my emails. Make sure that reception follows the rules and does not allow her upstairs without an escort and then they need to take her to one of the conference rooms, I don't want her in my office and I don't want to be left alone with her. When you are all ready have someone come and get me."

She nodded her head in understanding and headed toward the door, "Deren, make sure the whole creative team is in the meeting."

"Evet" she smiled.

He sat down at his desk, started going through emails. Cey Cey knocked on the door and then placed a cup of tea on the desk.

"Can Bey."

"Can, Cey Cey, we are friends."

He smiled "You look rested, I am glad." He left the room as quietly as he had entered. Can became lost answering emails until Deren knocked on the door.

"Ceyda has arrived, Can"

"Ok, I will finish this and come. Go ahead and get started."

He finished up what he was doing, he grabbed his moonstones and started toward the door. His phone pinged with a message, thinking he would take a quick look then he would  answer after the meeting. When he opened up the app, Sanem's name popped up.

"Can, it's Sanem. I just wanted to let you know I am doing ok." He stood still, not sure he was really reading a text from her.

"Well, well Can" he waved his hand in front of his face, just like Sanem always did, that voice was back "Don't just stand here, text the girl back"

He quickly typed an answer, in case she turned the phone off. "I am happy to hear that. I am headed into a meeting, would it be ok if I called you afterward." He watched but no answer came, he waited a full two minutes before heading to the conference room, just as he was about to enter his phone pinged again.

"Evet" that was all it said.

"Thank you." He answered.

Going inside, he now wanted to get this meeting over with as fast as possible. Of course, Ceyda had other plans. As soon as all the information was gained about what the ad would be about, Can thanked her for coming, told her they would get a campaign and bid together. Heading toward the door, she stopped him, she was still as pushy as always, why had it taken him so long to see this woman for what she was.

"Can, I would like for us to speak about this campaign together, maybe we can go to lunch."

"Ceyda, I have a busy day today and my team needs to be in on all details of the campaign for us to get the campaign together in time."

She walked up to him and placed her hand on his arm, rubbing her hand up and down. Can just raised an eyebrow as he lifted her hand off.

"Well, I would prefer some alone time with you."

"There is no reason for us to have any alone time. This is a business relationship and all meetings will be conducted as such."

He turned to walk out the door "Deren, will show you out. Thank you for the opportunity to work with your company again" walking out he went back to his office. He knew Deren would make sure that Ceyda was escorted out of the building.

Deren did just that walked Ceyda to the front doors with her huffing all the way. Deren laughed when Ceyda was finally out the door.

Before shutting the door, he motioned for Cey Cey to come over and told him he didn't want to be disturbed by anyone. He nodded ok.

Pacing the floor, he waited for Sanem to answer her phone.

When she did she sounded breathless "Can"


Oh Allah, she thought, he spoke with that low, sexy hard to resist voice, be strong, she thought.

"Sanem, I wanted to say thank you. If not for you I would be in prison. I" his voice cracked "I screwed up!"

She didn't say a word " I guess you know I have been talking to Mirhiban?"

"Evet." Was he only going to get one word response, well if so he would take them.

"She has made me face a lot of ugly truths about myself. She doesn't hold back, tells me what I need to hear not what she thinks I want to hear.  She doesn't let me make excuses and she tells me when I am acting so full of myself.  She calls me on all my bull."

Sanem laughed "Evet! She has a way about her. She has listened to me many nights." Finally, he thought.

"She is a wonderful person, she listens and doesn't judge but also tells you the truth. I think that is what I like about her most. I know it is what I needed."

"She does, she has been a great friend to me, almost like a second Anne." she said.

"That is the way she makes me feel also, she makes me feel" he stopped.

"What, Can? How does she make you feel?"

"I wish she were my Anne." he said quietly. He could hear Sanem take in a uneven breath.

"She is a wonderful person, Can, I am sure she has come to care about you, otherwise she wouldn't allow you to come to the farm."

They were both quiet for a few seconds. "Allah, speak already" Sanem heard her inner voice say, Can must have heard it also because they both spoke at the same time.

"Can" "Sanem"

They laughed, he spoke first "I think your inner voice has started to visit me."

"Ne, What! Can, that would be your inner voice."

"Nok, it is a female voice and she sounds just like you. Yeah, I have two females calling me on my shit, one in person and one in my head." She laughed, how enjoyed that sound. It was music to his ears.

" I guess you are busy, I should let you go."

He wanted to hang on, wanted to keep her talking but he remembered Mirhiban's warning to not push her "San, can I call you again?"

She could just see her inner voice nodding her head "How about I call you again when I am ready?" Now, that head was shaking with disgust,

"Git!" she said to the voice.

"Sanem?" he asked confused

"Sorry, Not you, Can. Look, I need a little more time and then maybe we can talk about what happened."

"What ever you need, I don't want to push you before you are ready." Wow, she thought, he has never been that easy going, that patient when he wanted something, she was glad.

"Ok, talk to you later. Gorusuruz."

"Gorusuruz, Can." He waited until she hang up before he did. Sitting down in his chair, he placed his head in his hands, he was happy but felt as if he could cry at the same time. He missed her so much, missed touching her, missed her coco, missed everything about her.

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