Truro, Massachusetts (Chapter Thirteen)

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“Sam, the doctor’s here” as my mom knock into the door while I was asleep in the bed.

“Sam, honey, the doctor wants to see you” as she wake me up from my sleep.            

Then in front of me was a man as tall as Nich, dark haired, white complexion, deep set eyes, nice formed nose the same doctor Madam Stone had, the same doctor I saw in the hospital talking to Nich.                                   

“How you doing Samantha?” as he asked me smiling, his voice is like Nich’s the way he delivered his tone, it’s so Nich.                   

  “Nich??” as I whispered it in myself, but I did not realize I speak to loud.              

“Yes Samantha??”                        “Nich Stone??” as I asked into his eyes.                
“No, I’m Doctor Nich Hawkins, I’ll be your resident Doctor from now on, I’ll be monitoring your recovery once a week, you’ve hit badly, some of the neurons in your brain had complication back then, but you’re fine now, it needs more monitoring.”


“Sam, is something bothering you??”                         
“No Doc, it’s just I’ve been to something, but I’ll be fine”                      

  “That’s great to hear, anyway I’ll just give this to your mother, take this every after meal, and don’t forget it, this is for your brain okay” as he lend a bottle to my mother that is standing just right at the door.                   

“Who’s Nich Stone?” as he asked my mother in a very low voice.               

“We don’t know, but she kept on mentioning that name when she’s asleep, she’s been into hard times since she was discharge from the hospital” as my mom looked at me sympathetically.

“Okay, I’ll be back next week, just don’t make her feel stress and don’t make her feel sad, it will not gonna help her recover fast.” as the doctor went downstairs and drive into his black MV car and went off the road.                    

“Mom, when are we going to travel?”                                   
“Honey we’ll ask your father first”           
Then at lunch time we decided to eat outside where I could gasped some fresh air. On the diner there are some people that I knew before came approaching us. Confirming my health and others are smiling at us, then I put down my meal and stared at the window, from a far across the street there was a man standing in front of a aluminum blue car, his face was very familiar, as I stared at him very suspiciously, he waved at me and blow a kiss at me.              

“NICH!!!” as I higher my voice and stand on my sit.                    

“Sam!!!?? What’s the matter?” as my mom and everyone in the room stared at me shocked. Then as I look back to the window, no one was there, not even the car was there, nothing was there it was empty.                      

“Sam, sit down now, finish your meal” as my father ordered me like a military soldier.        

“Hon, Sam wants to go to Truro” as my mother ask permission to my father.       

“What for? to get hurt, to find out that it wasn’t real, to figure out what was really going on?? Sam, we are real, those people only exist in your imagination, you are a big girl now, stop making imaginary friends!!”                      
“No Dad!!! I’m not imagining!! I can tell that they are real, Dad they are real I can even talk to them, feel them, touch them, I can even slap their faces!!!! Dad, I just want to get things better, I want some peace of mind, I can’t attain that when even I, myself do not even let them go I can’t, I just need to figure out myself and will clear everything that what you are saying that they do not exist” as tears flow down my face because Dad had just disappointed me.

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