My Brother (Chapter Eight)

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Last night was spectacular, it’s like I’ve just woke-up in a dream, in a very wonderful dream, a fairy tale. As I was rubbing my eyes just to sit to it that I was awake, then there was a loud knocking at my door.                                 

“Who is it?” as I respond to the knocking.             

“Sam, it’s Ele” as the voice said behind those doors.               

Then she entered into my room, peeking first then she rushed suddenly into my side.              

“Sam what was that last night? I can’t believe it” as she wowed me with her enjoying and very delightful face. I did not respond to her, instead I recall what happened last night wow….the happening last night, was very sudden, it all happened so sudden that all I can’t remember that Nich kneeled in front of me and everyone was the witnesses. Then I looked into my left fingers, and then there it was in my fourth finger was a diamond ring, a very big diamond stone, that is in top of the ring, a very priceless possession he must have treasured for his entire life, a very delicate that symbolizes his affection, every girl would probably wear this one with pride, it’s a ring of a Queen.

“Is this the one? Oh My, Gosh!!I’ve never seen so big diamond like this one before, I did not know I could feel this way seeing this close, Sam it’s wonderful” as she held my hand and stare at my ring.                       

“Ele everything seems to be happening so sudden, it seemed that all of a sudden I’ve accepted this ring and everyone is looking forward for what will going to happened next and I have no idea why I’ve accepted this one, all I know is that I followed my heart and as I looked at him, he seemed very sincere and very I mean very heart melting stare, I just don’t know what to say on that moment, I don’t even know what to do, I only mentioned his name and that’s it, I don’t even remember how I’ve accepted this ring and what happened next”                

“Sam last night was very perfect for both of you, I could see the connection between the two of you, it’s like you’ve been born together, to be connected Sam, you always connect with him since the day you first spoke together I’ve known him since we we’re at second grade, and I’ve never seen him like that since you came in you even change him Sam, he never that so mysterious before, but know we hardly seen him” as she said to me and drop my hands down and stare at the window.                   

“Ele what about you and Lassy after the party what did you guys do?” as I asked to her with suspicious eyes and in a way that I teased her.                  

“What?? nothing happened next, well he just walked me in and that’s it, I fell asleep, so I have no idea what happened” as she responded obviously embarrassed.           

“What??!so he carried you in?…inside your room?….and then he didn’t make a move?”                  

“I think his not that kind of guy”                         
“Ah!!so you’re defending him now”                         
“No!! I just thought of him that way because when I woke up this morning I was still complete and I don’t know what happened, I was drunk last night, I’ve never thought Madam Stone allowed hard liquor last night and you know what happened just after you guys left, and all of as just drink to death?? Sassy last night she was a monster!!! no one was intending to leave, it wasn’t suppose to end early, it was suppose to end at dawn, but Sassy’s behavior last night was scary” as she stated it with fear in her eyes, which is obviously she was a victim last night, a victim from my Aunt’s reckless behavior, but just for me, I’ve never heard her behave that way, she seemed calm in a way that she just kept it in herself, I thought she’s the kind of girl that is very quiet, girly, I’ve never heard or seen her explodes that way.            

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