Tragic (Chapter Four)

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“New day today Sammy!! wanna have some stroll? it would be helpful!!” as Nich cheer me up, adding some enthusiasm in my day, he’s the only one that fill my day with enthusiastic activities, he never ends the day without me making myself happy, I’m always happy whenever his around, trying to fill up those lacking part of myself, I can really tell he loves me very much, I’m positive about it.                                 
“Yah! sure!! It would probably be helpful, accompany me??” asking him back.               

“Who else?? of course I will, I will never let you leave this house without me, never!” as he stand in his chair and went towards me for him to hug me tightly.                      

“Okay!! you two are going out, so what’s that suppose to leave me?? with this one?” as Lassy pointed to Ele, while eating.                  

  “Excuse me!! I’m not a serial killer or something, so no worries and besides you’re not my type” as we all laugh out loud. Laughing would make me feel better this time, at least I’m happy and I never thought of school from this moment, the week break will almost be over and I’m going back again to that school, that weird school, I was thinking about the river, I can feel it in my nerves that the river is actually real, I can feel the smooth breeze touching my skin, the smell of the fresh air, I can hear the sound flowing water down the river, I can feel the roughness of the rock that I sat on, everything seems real very real, and then the man that I saw in the bushes, I don’t know exactly what was that but he seems to know me.                  

“Sammy are you alright?” Nich ask me with his hands holding mine, as he kissed my forehead.

“I’m fine, I’m just thinking of something but am!! It’s alright, I’ll be fine” I responded.

Walking on the beach side, feeling those sand in my feet, waiting for the sun to set, hearing the mild roar of the sea, holding the hands of the person whom I and care the most, feeling his presence, his hands now in my waist, holding me gently like he would never give me to some other person, that he would never give-up on me, make me feel really calm, this time I’m calm, my body is calm, my soul is calm even my heart is very calm, I feel security whenever he is with me, now the sun is about to set he spread the blanket under the sun , assisting me to sit down with him, embracing me around his masculine arms, holding hands, I can feel his chest behind my back, his fresh scent the perfume that I really love, us both watching the sunset, setting down, it’s like an amber color, as it sets in the sea, watching it with the man I care the most, together with him, together, and hoping to be with him forever, sharing with him my life, he focus his attention on the sun as it sets, I never feel that he stared at me at our entire walk, I again could not help myself so I was the one who stared first, it’s like I’m looking at an angel, I want to hug him tightly and tell him that he is mine, all mine. I’m being selfish that’s what I realize, I love him, I keep on staring at him until the sun is replace by a moon, I’m still in his arms still sitting on the seashore.           
“You know I will melt if you just keep on staring at me, and besides what’s to stare?? this face? It’s hideous right???, did you come to the part that you realize you love a hideous looking man??” as he make a joke, while lying on the blanket, releasing me and left me sitting while he was lying.          
“What are you talking about??!!… of course not!! And why are you putting yourself down?, you’re not hideous!! and I’m sorry if I kept on staring at you” I tap his stomach, for saying those things,

“And it will never happen, NEVER! I will never going to realize that, because this is real, romantically real and I will never realize that you are hideous, because you’re not, truly not, I Love you very much Nich very much, remember that!!” as I continue while lying now in his chest hugging him tightly, together we watch the sky filled with stars, plenty of constellations, different sizes, shapes and forms.               
“Sammy??when I first saw you……….” there was a long pause, the silence occupied the space. “I don’t know, there’s something about you I can’t figure out why or what, but I don’t know” as he continued, holding my hair, curling and twirling it.

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