Love Like Ghost

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Song because for some reason I can't add it above: Love Like Ghost by Lord Huron


I sit next to Jason. "Polly and V are in there with Betty." I nod. "How Nana?" He ask. "Close to dying." I say. "You should go see her. She's been feeling pretty lonely." I whisper. "What about you?" He ask confused. "I see her twice a week." I say quietly. "Shit really?" I nod. "I'll call you next time I go." I tell him. "Does she still have her memory?" He ask. "Yeah."

I walk into Betty's room. "Hey." I say quietly. "Hey Cher." She smiles.  "How long are you gonna be there?" I ask. She shrugs. "72 hours and than we'll see from there." I nod. "Why did you do this?" I ask quietly. "I honestly don't know. I went off my meds." Betty explains. "You know you shouldn't do that." She nods. "No shit." I nod. The doctor walks in. "Hey we have to take her up the psych ward." I nod. "I'll see you when you get out." She nods. I walk out and go to the apartment. "Hey babe!" I shout. "Hey." Toni says walking out of the bathroom. "You ok?" I ask. "I just got a call from my mom." He whispers. "My father, he ah... he died. He was driving drunk and crashed into a 18 wheeler." He explains. "I don't really want to talk about it. I just need to go to work and we'll talk after." I stop him from walking out. "Nope! You're going to your moms house and being there for them." He looks at me. "Cheryl, I'm the next person to take over my father's shop! He left it to me! I co-own that place! I need to go and take over that place. Please! It's this or me drinking and I think going to the shop is better." He says freaking out.


I walk into the shop after lunch. "Hey! Toni! You're girlfriend was looking for you." Sweet Pea says. "Cheryl?" I ask. He nods. "What did she want?" I ask grabbing some oil. "She was just asking if you were ok." I take a deep breath. "I'm fine." I whisper. "How are you gonna be running shit around here?" He ask concerned. "Can you run this place for a couple days? Just because I need to get my shit together." He nods. "I'm sorry about your dad." He apologizes. "I hated him. He was either drunk or pushing me to play football or take over this dump." I say pissed.

"Have you told your mom I'm pregnant?" Cheryl ask quietly. "I think she knows. You've been wearing clothes that flow and you didn't drink at the party." I tell her. "What about Sarah?" She ask quietly. "She's clueless." I say quietly. "She's gonna be a big sister!" Cheryl says happily. "Half." I correct her. "Yeah! Whatever Sarah won't care!" She walks out of the kitchen and hands me a plate with dinner on it. "What is this?" I ask quietly. "Salmon." She says. "You're pregnant!" I say quietly. "I can have it just not too much." She tells me. "Also I'm allergic to fish." I whisper. She looks at me. "Oh shit! I'm sorry." I sigh. "It's ok!" I whisper. "Do you just want to go to Pops?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." We get up and go to Pops. "How are you feeling?" She ask quietly. "What do you mean?" I ask drinking my milkshake. "Your dad." I look down. "I don't know. I can't stop thinking about the last time I saw him." I whisper. "I was here ahh... getting a drink. You know the night I accidentally came home drunk. He was fresh out of rehab and as we was walking downstairs Reggie was throwing him out." I explain to Cheryl. "I'm seeing my therapist tomorrow. I'll ahh... I'll talk to him." She nods. Pop walks over with our food. I eat my burger in like 2 bites. "How?" Cheryl ask in shock. "How are you not even halfway through your fries? You're pregnant!" I say quietly. "You're pregnant?" I turn around to see Sarah. "When did you get here?" I ask quietly. "I'm meeting mom here." She sits next to me. "Wait so am I now an older sister or an Aunt?" She ask. "Well, what do you want?" I ask smiling. "I wanna be an aunt." She smiles. "So you're gonna be an Aunt." I whisper. "Are we gonna tell him that Sarah is your daughter?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Or are you gonna wait until the kid is in middle school to even think about tell them?" Sarah ask slightly pissed. "Ok! Mom wouldn't let me tell you!"

"Wait you're having a boy?" Sarah ask as I lie next Sarah on the bed. I decided to go back to moms house for the night. "Yeah." I smile. "You scared?" She ask quietly. "Shitless." I whisper. "Really? You're gonna be great." I look at her. "You think?" I ask. She nods. "When dad was off being drunk and mom was trying to get back on the wagon, you were really good at pretending like everything was gonna be ok." She smiles. Cheryl walks out of the bathroom. "Out!" Sarah stands up and walks out. "I already got something for the kid." I whisper. Cheryl straddles me. "Yeah?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "What?" She ask quietly. I grab my bag and pulls out a small baseball cap. "To keep his little head warm or keep his scalp and face from getting burned." I tell her. She smiles. "Mommas boy." She whispers. I nod. "I like it." I smile. "You gonna be an amazing dad." I look down. "You think?" She nods. "Everyone has told you that. Believe it." She says quietly. "I love you Cher." I whisper. "I love you too babe." I kiss her. She deepens the kiss and before anything else can happen mom storms in. "Mom!" I yell slightly pissed. "Sorry! What do you guys want for breakfast?" She ask quietly. "Whatever you're making." I say. She nods. "Pancakes it is." She smiles and walks out. "I don't miss that." I nod. "Same." I kiss Cheryl again. "This week has been shit." She whispers. "I was in the army, this week is Tuesday for me." She smiles a little.

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