Kings & Queens

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Song: Kings & Queens by Ava Max

"It's definitely a boy." The doctor says. I look a Cheryl. "Do you know if there's more than one?" She ask quietly. "I'm not seeing one! But there's a chance that another baby could be hiding but I doubt it." I smile. "Were you guys hoping for twin?" The doctor ask. "No." Cheryl and I say together. "It does run in the family though." Cheryl says. "I think Jason got stuck with that." I joke. "Yeah."

I look at the sonogram of my son. "What if we find out he's a girl?" I ask quietly. "Than we don't tell anyone else and have them feel stupid when they buy gender specific clothes and toys." Cheryl says lying next to me. "Are we getting gender neutral stuff?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She nods. "Like I don't want to paint the nursery blue." I nod. "We're not painting that room pink either." I say quietly. "I have to help Veronica out with inventory tomorrow." I whisper. "Ok." Cheryl smiles.

I put a box on the table. "This is the last one."
I say to Veronica. She looks at me and puts her hand over the microphone on her phone. "Can you call 911 and send them to my house?" She ask in a panic. "Yeah. Why?" I ask pulling my phone out. "Something is wrong with Betty." I nod. I call 911 and tell them to go to Betty and V's house. "She hung up." She says before breaking down crying. I pull her into a hug. "Hey! Let's head to the house so you can go with her." I say. She nods and I grab my jacket and we go to her house. We get there before the ambulance loads Betty into the back. "Is she ok?" Veronica ask freaking out. "She will be." The EMT says. "Can I go with her?" She ask. "Are you her spouse?" Veronica nods. "Come on." V looks at me. "I'll meet you there, I just have to call Cheryl." She nods. "Go!" I say. She goes into the back of the ambulance and they all drive off. I get into the car and call Cheryl.

Cheryl and I walk into Betty and Veronica's house. "Holy shit." I whisper noticing the blood all over the kitchen. I sigh. "I've seen some shit, nothing like this though." I say quietly. "Veronica won't want to see this tomorrow. We should clean this up." Cheryl says. "Fuck." We clean the kitchen. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Not really." I look at her. "I was the one who found Jason in 7th grade." She confesses. "I don't really want to talk about it." She whispers. I take a deep breath. "Promise me something?" I look at her. "No matter how bad your depression or PTSD gets, don't do this." I nod. "I don't feel like killing myself." I whisper. I stand up and throw away the towels. "I need a beer." Cheryl says quietly. "You're pregnant." I say quietly. "Can you drink for me?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile and grab a beer. I sit at the counter. "Cheers." I say. She nods. "What do you think set Betty off? She hasn't been suicidal in almost 10 years. Not at least wrist slitting." I ask quietly. "Her meds probably became imbalanced! Happened sometimes. I know it happened with me with my ADHD meds when I was in elementary school. My body would pretty much become immune to them." She explains. "ADHD?" I ask. "Yeah. Somehow the doctors cured it or something. I don't know." She whispers. "We should head back to the hospital." I say. "Yeah." We walk out and go to the hospital. "Hey." Veronica stands up. "How's Betty?" I ask quietly. "She's ok. She's going to be moved to the psych ward tomorrow afternoon after they keep her for 24 hours." I nod. "Have you seen her?" I ask concerned. "Yeah. She's completely out of it." She says quietly. I look at Cheryl. "Do you want us to stay?" She ask quietly. "No. You guys head home." We both nod. "Call us! Ok?"

We walk into the apartment. "I don't think we should have left Veronica at the hospital alone." I say quietly. "I called Polly she's coming back from their trip." Cheryl tells me. "Why didn't you just call Jason?" I ask taking my boots off. "Because, he's not Betty's sister." I nod. "True." We go into the bedroom. "I'm gonna go kill my lungs." I say quietly. "You admit it." She sighs. I nod and go to out to the porch to smoke. "Why do you do this to yourself?" Cheryl ask quietly. "It helps me from drinking an unhealthy amount."

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