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"Where's Cheryl?" I look over and see Sarah. "I don't know." I whisper lying down on my bed. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "Why do you care so much?" I ask rolling over so I don't have to look at her. "Because! You guys are in love!" She says happily. "So where is she?" She ask again. "I don't know! I don't care! Can you just leave me alone?" I say frustrated. She doesn't leave so I get up and pick her up. "I said leave me alone." I say putting her down outside of my room. I walk back in and before she can process what I just did I slam the door in her face and lock it. I shut off the lights, take off most of my clothes and sit down on my bed. I grab one of the edibles and eat half of it. I lie back on my bed and let everything happen. I watch tv and quietly calm down. After a while I roll over and get some sleep. There's a knock on my door. "Sarah!" I groan. "It's me." Mom says. I open the door. "You made Sarah cry." She whispers. I look down. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't be bothered by her." I say quietly. "Turn some lights on in here." I groan. "No!" I lie on my bed. "Antonio... what happened?" She ask quietly. "I don't want to talk about it."
I whisper getting back under my blankets and put the tv back on. After an hour I have it set to shut off. "You're gonna have to." I nod. "Not right now mom." I whisper. She sits on my bed and rubs my back. "Can you leave me alone right now? I can't pick you up so can you just leave?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She gets off and closes the door leaving me in the dark to mope around.


It's been a week since Toni and I broke up. He hasn't been to school all week. I go over to Archie. "Have you heard from Toni?" I ask abruptly. "No have you? He hasn't shown up to practice." He ask quietly. "Why would I be asking you if I heard from you?" I ask quietly. "I probably shouldn't be saying this because I know you love him but I saw him at Sweetwater with Kevin. I don't know what there were doing there. But maybe ask him." He closes his locker and walks off. I take a deep breath.

I walk up to Toni's house. I knock on the door. His mom opens the door. "Cheryl? What are you doing here?" She ask confused. "Toni hasn't been in school for the past week." I whisper. "Yeah. He hasn't really gotten out of bed in a week." She whispers. "I know you guys broke up. He's really heart broken. I'm not blaming you he told me what happened." She explain. I look down. "You said he hasn't really gotten out of bed?" I ask. "Yeah he's been going to see one of his friends everyday. But he's only out for an hour or two." She tells me. "Can I talk to him?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! He's in his room." She let's me in, I go upstairs and knock on the door. "Toni? It's me. We need to talk." Nothing just the tv and some groaning. "Toni! I'm coming in." I open the door and he's sitting on the floor sweating, in his underwear and shaking holding the trash can close to him. I turn on the lights, close the door and sit down in front of him. "Hey!" I cup his cheeks. He throws up. I grab him a blanket and rap it around him. "What the hell?" I ask quietly. "I couldn't get to the bathroom." He whispers. I help him up and we go into his bathroom. I sit him in front of the toilet. "Are you on drug?" I ask quietly. "No that's the problem." He whispers. I look at Toni. "What are you talking about?" I ask quietly. "I've become addicted to drugs in the span on a week." I look at him. "Toni. You're life. It could be ruined with one movement." He nods. "I know!" He whispers. "I don't want to be like this!" He throws up. I rub his back. "Can I ask you who gave you the drugs?" I ask quietly. "Kevin. He gets a bunch of drugs from his dad and he offered me some for sex. Protected of course." I look at him. "I don't really have any money so I did what I had to." He tells me. I cup his cheek. "You could have not become addicted to drugs." I whisper. "I know. Please don't tell my mom." I nod. "Do you want to go to a meeting or something?" I ask quietly. "Not right now let me finish getting this shit out of my system." He says before throwing up. "Oh my god I'm a junkie." He whispers. "You're the one who usually is sober and able to drive everyone home." I say quietly. "Shut up." He whispers. "I think I'm done!" He says pulling away. "You smell like shit." I whisper. I help him up and dump him into the bathtub. "Wait let me get my underwear off." He takes off his underwear and throws it at me. "When was the last time you changed these?" He shrugs. I turn on the shower. He groans. "Cheryl!" He groans. I help him sit up. I make sure his hair is wet and help him wash it. "I don't want to be your babysitter." I whisper to him. He nods.

I dry Toni's hair. "You need a hair cut." I whisper. "Yeah." He smiles. "The clippers are in the sink left side." He tells me. I smile. "I don't need the top cut right now but the sides and beard would be nice. I can do my face." I nod. I sit him on the small stool. "Why do you have this?" I ask quietly. "Sometimes if one of my parents are getting ready in the morning Sarah comes in so I got her a stool to use. It's only when my dad goes to work later than sun rise." He whispers. I grab it and plug it into the wall. "That's cute." I grab a towel and put it over Toni. "Probably should have done this first." We both laugh a little. "Yeah. Whatever." He shrugs. "What's going on with us?" He ask quietly. I stop. "I don't know. I want to be with you, but I need you to be clean.


I walk downstairs. "Why am I all dressed up?" I ask Cheryl as she finishes bottoming my shirt. "Because I like seeing you all dressed up." She whispers. "Veronica was drooling over my abs the other day." I whisper. She stops and laughs a little. I look at her confused. "You're serious?"  I nod. "She's like really gay." I shrug. "I can turn any woman straight and any man gay." She smiles. "You're full of shit." She whispers. "I'm sorry about that night. I wasn't thinking. I think I reached a breaking point I didn't even know I had gotten to." I tell her. "You need to talk to a therapist." I nod. "I will." I whisper. "Do you want kids?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. It's gonna be weird though." I look at her confused. "Well, they are either gonna be very light skinned with unusually curly hair. Or kinda dark with red hair." She jokes. I laugh a little. "You're family is gonna love that!" I whisper. "Also we're at risk of twins." I look at her. "W-what?" I ask concerned. "Twins." I nod. "Good to know." I smile. "I'm scared that I'm gonna be the worse dad in the world." I whisper. "I see you with Sarah. You're gonna be the best dad in the world!" I look down. "She hates me right now." I whisper. "She'll forgive you." She tells me. "If I can forgive you. I know for a fact, that Sarah will forgive you." I nod. "You're gonna be a good mom." I tell her. "No I won't." I nod. "Yes you will. If not, I will hell at you or something." She smiles. "If you love and support your kids. You'll do better than you think." I tell her.

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