Chapter five - First school day

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Dear Ashton

today I found the bracelet you gave me at the morning of my first school day. Do you remember it? I kept it the whole years but a short time after you left I took it off because I couldn't stand it to see this every day and I put it in drawer. Today I searched for some documents I needed and then I found it there. I still think it's beautiful with the brocaded colourful band and infinity symbol.

Anyways. The next picture is at my first school day and we are over two years friends. We made so much things together and got really close. The time flew by and there are a few picture between the last one and this one but there are mostly taken at days where we hung out and talked about everything and nothing. I like the one which is taken at my sixth birthday where you bought me a little dog. My parents didn't liked him but I persuaded them to keep him on porpose to care about him and go out with him every day. I promised and I never broke it. We called him pancake cause that was my favourite food. I never ate it since you left because yours were always the best and when I made them they were terrible and I didn't liked it. The do died five months ago what wasn't a wonder because he was 13 years old and he couldn't barely moved. I knew it was the best but he was a present from you and he was always there for me when you went on tour. I buried him under the tree in my backyard where we always sat and made homework when it was hot. When I buried him he looked so peaceful but my heart was broken the second time because it felt you were gone the second time and left nothing.It was a hard day and I wished you were beside me and I know you liked him as much as me and maybe it's hard to hear he has died over a letter but I would have told you in a phone call or something like that but I coudn't.

Now I will continue with my first school day.

"You look nervous." You noticed.

"I am nervous. You described school as something really terrible and I don't want to go through hell."

"It won't be to bad for you. I am there and I know you are a nice girl and you wil probably make many friends and I will always be there for you if you need me. And remember I'm in your class now. And now let's go before you are late at your first day." You said encouragingly and gave me a frankly smile.

You had to do the first year again because you always met me and never done your homework or learned for school.

"Aren't you sad that you have to do the year again?"

"Nop" You popped the p. "It's nice to be in the same class as you and now we can learn and do homework together. Oh and I have something for you." You gave me my bracelet with a shy smile.

"Aww... Thank you. That's so nice from you." I huged you.

"Are you ready?"


"Than let's go so we can sit next to each other." You asked me a few days ago if I want to sit next to you at school and it wasn't like a had any other friends who would ask me so I said yes but I also wanted to sit next to you.

"We entered he school and every were kids running around and you were pushed from every side. You took my hand and led me to our classroom through the crowd. It was an advantage for you to be so tall and could barely see anything because I was so little for my age. I din't liked it at this time but you always told me you liked it.

Our classroom was big and half of the seats weren't taken we took some in the last row and settled down next to the window. I like to see what's going on outside and to observe the animals on the schoolyard. You knew that and chose it for me. You knew everything about me and sometimes I was wondering if you could read my thoughts.

We sat down and a couple minutes later the teacher came in and we all had to introduced us. Most of my classmates were the same as in my kindergarten but there were a few new faces either.

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