Chapter four - The fair

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The last days were totally shit. Work was hard and I hadn´t much freetime. The weather was still the same.

These day was really exhausting and when I came home I went straaight into the shower and put some chily clothes on. After that I made me something to eat and now I´m sitting on the sofa and watch some movies on Netflix. Right now I´m watching some boring one which I don´t even remember the title.

After half an hour I decide to stop the movie and write another letter to Ashton.

Dear Ashton,

I don´t know if you read the last letters but this is the third letter I write you and I hope you aren´t already bored of reading my stuff.

My week was exhausting and I would give evrything to escape from my daily life and do something else but I can´t cause I haven´t got enough money. I´m glad that I can pay the bills and rant ut anyways. I don´t want any pity from you.

I saw on twitter that you are in LA today and you have a big show tonight. I saw a few pictures of you behind the drums shirtless and I must say you have worked out since you left Australia. You were always someone who hated physical education and never done any sports and now you have abs and you like to show them. I don´t think it´s bad that you show your body and that you are proud but you were always so insecure and you hated the beach. This thing shows also that so many things changed.

Anyways!  The next picture is on the fair and this day is very special to me it was th beginnig of our friendship.

It was only one day after we had ice cream together and my parents were fightening again. I was in my room at the window and was looking outside. I hoped that you would came around and pick me up to do something. I sat there about one hour and I heard some screams from my paremts and some breaking plates. And when I saw you at our front porch I run downstairs so fast that I almost fell. But I was quicker than my parents and when I shot the door some yells from my parents were heard. What I was thinking to not say where I go and why I leave without saying something and some come back but I only grabed your hand and you run with me down the street without asking anything.

When we were at the end of the street we were out of breath and tried to catch ou breath. After a few minutes yyou asked the question that was obviousl to ask.

"What was that about? Why you left without any word?" You asked curious and I knew I had to tell you if I want your trust.

"umm...erm.." I stottered and didn´t knew how to begin.

"You don´t have to explain if you don´t want to." You stated quickly after you saw my face expresion. I knew you was concerned but I wanted to tell you.

"No it´s ok. My parents are fightening nearly everyday and are ignoring me and I can´t sit in my room everytime and hope that they will stop. If I woud tell them that I meet with someone who is two years older they won´t allow that and I want to make something with you. It makes me happy and I can forget about the things at home." I said truly to you and I saw that you had a suprised expresion on your face because I was so open to you.

You gave me a hug and said nothing which was the best thing. Some it will be good and everything will change weren´t right and you knew that so you only hugged me and showed me that you are always there for me.

"Come on." You took my hand and lead me down the street.

"Where are we going?"

"To the fair" You said and I regonized that I hadn´t any with me and as if you could read my mind you added. "I know you haven´t any money right know but you paid the ice cream and I want to give you something back."

The fair was much more expensive than the ice cream but I knew not to discuss it with you cause you wouldn´t accept it.

 "Let´s go on the rollercoaster first!" You jumped up and down and led me to the cash.

"But I´ve fear of heighst..."You looked at me if as I was from another planet.

"You were never before on a rollarcoaster?"

"No never. My parents didn´t allowed it and I didn´t want to either."

"Please try it. For me! It isn´t as bad as you think."You begged me and when you gave me the puppy eyes I finally gave up.

"Ok. I will try it. But only for you." Your smile was from ear to ear and you bought quickly two tickets.

"Are you alright? You can hold my hand if you feel better than."  We sat in our seats and the rollercoaster began to became speed and got faster with every second. I took your hand and you squeezed it.

The ride was funny and I didn´t regret it.

The next picture is taken a few minutes after that when you bought us a candy floss for both of us and we shared it. It was a pink one with the taste of strawberry and it was my favourit. We both smiled in your camera and it was the first selfie you took of us. I hold the candy floss and I am little compared to you with your long arm in the air.

We had a few other rides and in the end you convinced me to go on a ferry wheel. I never looked down the whole right and I only focused on you and your beautiful hazel brown eyes. You looked around and enjoyed th view.

"Look over there. There is my house and there is yours. It isn´t so far away." You showed me.

"Cool." I never saw in these direction.

"can you promise me something?" You asked suddenly when we stopped at the highest point and I was thankful for the distraction. 

"Sure! What is it?"

"Can you promise me that we will always be best friends?"

"Yes I want that to." You held out your pinky for me to take it and I laced my pinky with yours. I stood to our promise and every time in high school when you was bullied by other I was by your side and was there for you. But you was the one who wanted that promise and you broke it, too. Maybe you didn´t even remember that ppromise but all the years I have it remembered and I hoped that you would do the same. But I was obvious wrong.

It was getting dark and you took me home and said you will come around tomorrow and then you left.

I hadn´t such a good da then in a long time and I wasn´t in a bad mood after my parents ask me where I were and what I did. When I didn´t told them they yelled at me and I had to go to bed without dinner. But I wasn´t hungry after the candy floss and I prefered to stay in my room and think about you.

I couldn´t sleep in that night and the whole time I thought about our promise and I was happy that somebody really wanted to be friends with me.

You was my light in the dark and you was my everything and do you know that this never changed in all the years. Even after you left I couldn´t sleep several nights because I thought about our promise and this day.

I miss you more than ever before and it´s 2 am and I can´t sleep because of you. All I can think about are you.

Please write back.

Sicerely, your Brooke

I put the letter in a red envelopment and put it on the kitchen counter than I go back to the sofa and continue to watch Netflix after two or three boring movies I fall asleep.

I will try to update every second or third day but I haven´t so much time to write because of football and my placement at an architectur office and my job as a waitress. But when my placement is over I will update more recently.

But I have almost 1500 words that is so much!

But tysm for reading my story and please vote and comment! xoxo

Do you want something special to happen in this story? Then comment or write me.

I dedicat this chapter to my best friend @larifari98! Her story is really good. Please check it out!

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