Chapter seventeen - Back home

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Ashton p.o.w.

„Here are your phones and laptops," our manager gave us pack our things, which he kept during the tour so that we wouldn't be to distracted and could concentrate.

He took our things away immediately when we arrived at the London airport. I wanted to text Brooke which I couldn't under these circumstands and I just hope that she is fine and she won't do anything stupid. I broke all my promises to keep in touch and this stuff.

I turned my phone on and there were a thousand messages from Brooke and my family. I read all the messages from my family and replied with a short text.

I will explain everything tmrrw when I come back home. Ashton

Then I read the messages from Brooke and my smile dropped. At the beginning were fear that maybe something happened to me and then she were angry that I wouldnt call back and the last texts sounded like she was terrible sad and hadn't much hope anymore.

The last text was different. I read it two or three times to comprehend what she had written.

I gave up to contact you on this way, but I'll write you letters. They are in red envelopments. B xx

„What's up, Ash?" Luke looked at me with a concerned face.

„Actually no. Brooke's last messages are worrying me," I admit and then I added. „She said she wrote me letters."

„Then call our manager and ask if you recived some letters in the last months," he suggested.

„Yeah probably..." i nodded and left our bus to call him.

„hello?" he answered after the fourth ring.

„Hello, here is Ashton. I have one question," I really hope they kept the letters.


„My best friend wrote me some letters and I wanted to ask if you have them," I pressed my phone thigthly against my ear and tapped my foot on the floor.

„How do they look like? You recived tons of fanpost," I didn't knew that we had actually so many fans. Sure we had pretty much followers on twitter and keek and the other social medias, but that they love us so much that they write letters and this things.

„They are in red envelopments if that helps," I hope there aren't to many who look like that.

„Ok. I'll look if i can find them and if i find any I'll give them to you tomorrow if that's ok?"

„Sure. Thank you," and with that I end the call and shut my phone.

I couldn't sleep all night and it was hard to get up as my alarm went off. We were escorted to the airport and there wem et our manager for the last time for next few months.

„Ashton! Here are some letters, they all have the same handwriting n top and I guess that they are the right ones," he gave me about fifteen letters and then we said our goodbyes as our flight were boarding. Soon we were in the air and on the way home.

The boys didn't say much and kept quiet during the flight, because they were asleep or watching a movie.

I began to read the first letter and I could see Brooke's sadness and hope that I would come back. From letter to letter you could feel that she got depressed and when I read the last one, tears were streaming down my face and quiet sobs escaped my mouth.

The boys comforted me and I felt reliev as the pilot announced that we would land in 20 minutes.

As soon as we were on the ground, I hurried up and only said quick byes to Luke, Calum and Michael. The I left the airport through some backdoors that weren't crowded with fans. I called Brooke but she didn't answer her phone and so I got a taxi and gave the taxidriver her adress. We were stuck in the traffic for half an hour and as I arrived at her flat, she didn't open the door and I didn't hear any sound. After five minutes I run to her parents house which wasn't so far away and after a minuteher dad opened the door.

„Ashton?" he looked with big eyes at me.

„Is Brooke ok? She didn't answered the door and her phone?" I fidgets with my hands and with the look on her dads face I could already tell that she isn't ok.

„Actually not. She is in the hospital, because se tried to commit suicide a few days ago. Luckily we found her early enough and called an ambulance." Her dad had teary eyes and he had to lean against the doorframe.

„W-What?" I was straddeld at that and couln't bring anything right out.

„You should visit her. She is laying in the Northwest Christian Hospital on the second floor in Room 234." He suggested.

„Of course. Bye." I turned around and run to the hospital which wasn't far away either.

As soon as I entered her room, I was shocked. She looked really pale and terrible. She was on several machines which piped every few seconds. Her arms had cuts but they weren't deep enough. So I came tot he conclusion that she must have taken some pills and it made me sick to my stomach that she wanted to end her life. I took her hand in my hand and there was a slight hope that she maybe would forgive me and could be happy with me again.

But soon everything came crashing down again as her mother opened the door and came in.

She saw me and the next thing I heard was a little bit unexpected and I broke down.

„Ashton, you are here....but it's probably to late. The doctor came an hour ago and told me that she won't wake up from her come and that she will die with 99%"

The End.

I hope you liked it and I will post the epiliogue in the next few days. Please vote and comment. xx

Memories (Ashton Irwin Ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora