🥢Pentagon when their order is wrong🥢

Start from the beginning

-goes inside the McDonald's to get a new sandwich

-comes back with a new sandwich and a McFlurry

-"Shinwon how did you-"

-" I just wouldn't stop complaining😇"

Yeo One:

-wouldn't make a big deal at all

-in fact would probably laugh it off

-"Oh look, they gave me sweet potato fries instead of regular ones!"

-He tries his best to eat one but decides that he really DOES want regular fries

-calls the waitress over and tries his best to tell her whats wrong in english

-"uhhh..my...meal...French fries?"

-the lady looks at his meal, gasps, and takes his plate away

-proud of himself, he almost bounces up and down while waiting

-and eats his victory fries


-probably would just eat it if wasn't that bad

-if they mixed up his corn with broccoli

-he would eat it

-if they accidentally gave him root beer instead of coke

-he would drink it

-Now, if they put sauce on his stuff when he CLEARLY said put it on the side

-he would NOT tolerate it

-he hurriedly calls over the waitress

-zero fear that he's the loudest person in the restaurant right now

-the waitress comes over and gives Yanan a "please calm down sir"

-he does not calm down

-the tragedy of his meal is at stake

-ends up complaining the lady's ear off enough for you two to get free dessert


-he wouldn't be able to eat it

-he couldn't

-but he would try his very hardest to eat it

-you notice Yuto barely touched his food

-"you not hungry?"

-"no its just, I didn't want cucumbers on it"

-you realize he's too much of a baby to do it by himself

-so you blow air out of your nose and call the waitress over

-she politely takes the order back and gives you the correct one

-"seeee Yuto that's all you had to do"

-Yuto smirks and he digs into his food

-"thanks, I owe you one"


-wouldn't really make a big deal out of his order being wrong

-would probably be like Hongseok and wait until the waitress comes back to tell her its wrong

-except he doesn't pout about it

-but if your order was wrong

-he's flipping a gasket

-because you clearly said you didn't want gravy on your mashed potatoes

-but they gave you some anyway

-he even made sure the server wrote down that you didn't want gravy

-because he KNEW you wouldn't eat it if it had gravy

-he calls the waitress over and explains what happened

-but very

-VERY passive aggressive

-"she clearly said that she didn't want gravy. YOU EVEN WROTE IT DOWN and she still got gravy?!"

-the manger ends up getting involved

-but hey, now you have a free dinner for two


-wouldn't say anything

-at all

-an actual mouse

-you see, Wooseok wasn't really shy

-but he doesnt have enough nerve to tell the lady that his order is messed up

-it just feels a little wrong it him

-so he quietly eats it

-does he enjoy the taste?


-but is he completely fine with that for right now?


-it doesn't taste bad to him, just different

-ends up only eating half of it before saying he's 'full'

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