vi. five hargreeves

Start from the beginning

"actually... as a matter of fact, you get them out of it. i'm fine right here." five scoffed and stood out of the stool,

"you're just like luther always being problemati..." your eye twitched, fire coming from your hands down to the males hand, he hissed in pain and looked towards you.

"don't you ever compare me to that damn idiotic beast."

you stared at his now red blistered hand and your frown deepened. "you should leave, my shift isn't even over." you mumbled and turned back around.

it was quiet "fine." he mumbled walking out the doors.

you sighed and rubbed your temples, what the hell did you just do? you turned back around only to pause, your eyes landing on a napkin: words written on the material. it was an address. as much as stubborn you were, five knew you'd give in and tag with him.

five had teleported into the apartment, a visible scowl on his face

"five." allison questioned, "you said you were going to get [y/n], where is she?"

five looked up at her, "i visited her, she didn't seem too happy about it, i said she had to come here but she didn't budge."

allison shook her head, klaus and viktor staring in confusion, "and?"

"and then i compared her to luther and she burned my hand." klaus laughed, diego smiling along with him whilst luther furrowed his brows.

"don't get her mad remember?" he reminded.

"no shit." five growled back.

"if doomsday is coming there's a 90 percent chance we all will die faster without [y/n]." he started off,

"but we still die because of the nuclear bomb." luther interrupted.

five turned to him, "yeah but [y/n] and her speed is no match for the ones sending them out. if she would've ran to stop them, and not stay to fight with you guys, the world may not have ended. or will not end."

"so what? do we just die now?" diego questioned.

"no.. i don't know"


they all paused,

"five i swear to fucking god if this address was not for me." you talked.

they all rushed up to the railing and looked down on you. "oh..." you thought out loud. "diego got hot." you raised a brow.

a slick smirk graced the males face as five looked at him and back at you, jealousy bubbling at the bottom of his stomach.

you turned to look at viktor, "hey viktor, klaus, allison," your smile widened until it landed on luther, "number one." you mumbled the frown turning to a scowl.

"and she still hates me."

"you know me, i am the type to hold a grudge." you smirked.

five had teleported right in front of you, "nice to see you here now [y/n]." he nodded, a small smile gracing his features.

you sighed a small smile on your face. "yeah. we need to talk." you started.

"what for?"

you raised a brow, "either follow me outside or watch me leave back to my manager."

you started walking back out the doors. five followed behind, you both stopping where you first landed.

"what?" he started,

"why did we land here?" you questioned,

"i dont know, i went back too far." he answered.

"okay..." you mumbled. "what were you doing this whole time before finding me?" you fumbled with your ring,

"i was looking for the others," he looked at you. you chewed on your lip, you felt a bit awkward, it's been so long since you've heard fives voice. let alone his soothing tone that he knew calmed you.

"do we die again?"

and though he was quiet this time, you furrowed your brows, "five?" you now stood in front of him "do we die five." you asked again.

"yes." you sighed and ran a hand through your hair.

"dammit you said there was an apocalypse, you never mentioned that." you sucked in a breath and looked around, "fucking seriously?" you choked out, a small panic rushing through your veins. "hell five!"

"calm down [y/n] you're panicking!" five started, you placed both hands over your face and sighed into them.

"what do we do to stop it, i cant lose this family again"

"i'm thinking that if you ran to stop them from sending off the nuclear bombs you could stop the explosion."

you softly nodded, "i think i can do that." you whispered.

you calmed and leaned against the wall once again. "to be honest," you started, "the past year i've missed you." you looked at him, he turned to look at you as well. "i did, your smart ass comments and attitude made me laugh a bit," you grinned staring down at the ground. "come on, let's go back inside."

you pushed yourself off of the wall and started heading back around the corner until your wrist was grabbed, "what..." you turned to look at him.

only to get no answer and a warm embrace. five had his arms wrapped around your waist and your head pulled into his chest. your arms stuttered as you slowly wrapped them around his neck and pulled him closer to you. "i missed you too."

you pulled away from him and smiled, "let's... save the world- again" you patted his shoulder whilst turning around.

only to stop in your tracks. the family stood silently, small grind on their goofy faces as they watched the heartwarming scene before them.

"why does [y/n] get the affection?"

edited ; 2022.05.07
zoomer-r ©

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