Start from the beginning

"I'm glad. Very glad," I said and emphasized the word "very". The degree of their strength shook me to the core. Three of them were once deeply injured, but despite the immense pain that they had to to through, they still found it in themselves to walk even further. Pain didn't shut them down. If alerted them and made them walk even quicker. It was a form of motivation to them, and that was why they made it through all those storms.

The number of bruises and scratches on their faces and bodies were uncountable, and each had a very different source from the other. I could tell that Jungkook's leg was injured too because he had been limping ever since he regained his consciousness.

"Oh, by the way," Namjoon's voice pierced through the silence that once dwelled in between us," Yoongi hyung, why did you leave the camp in the first place?"

They all knitted their eyebrows, probably confused because they didn't know what happened with Yoongi or how he ended up with Namjoon and I, and their attention was now diverted to him.

"Jungkook went missing, that's why. He suddenly decided that it was okay to leave, so I had to go get him. It would've been a bonus if I had found any of you as well, but all I found was a stuck bunny," He replied, making Jungkook laugh a bit at the "stuck bunny" part.

"Stuck?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah stuck. I don't know why, but it seemed like Jungkook thought that the best time to get his leg stuck was in the middle of an extreme snowstorm. I had to get him out of there, but he had already been through a lot, and it was too cold for him, so he passed out way too early," Yoongi explained, making my heart beat faster with concern. All I remembered was how both Yoongi and Jungkook looked like when Namjoon saved them. The blue color of their lips and their pale skin were the only thing that played in my head, causing me to frown, and in that moment, I was thankful that Namjoon had the ability to break things easily, or else we would've lost the two of them.

And that's why our king keeps on telling us to love ourselves. There could be a trait we hate the most about ourselves, but we never know when it might come in handy.

"The moment we get out of here, I'm expecting a compensation from you Jungkook," Yoongi added, causing all of us to chuckle. Jungkook too laughed, and promised his hyung a very huge compensation, but Yoongi shrugged it off and said that he was just joking, that Jungkook's safety was the only compensation he needed.

We talked for a long while about all the things the members had to go through, and for once I was capable of having a good laugh. It wasn't that the situations they had been through were humorous, it was that the members made it sound like it was nothing so that none of us can get concerned. My heart ached at the sight of them share their stories while maintaining wide smiles on their faces even though we all knew how hard it was to recall all those events and not feel scared. It was the first time I ever hear their full stories, and I didn't know how to feel. Jimin told us about the time he had to go through under that pole. How he had to scream for help the whole time even when he couldn't breath properly. He went over the time I saved him, and what he had to go through when the second earthquake hit and took me away from him. Taehyung told us about the time he was forced to leave Jimin, and how it was all over for him until he had met Chung Ae. He also mentioned the time when he drowned and I brought him back to life. Then Namjoon went back to the time when he thought he was going to be able to hold onto his hyungs throughout the whole thing, but the water tore them apart. He spoke about how he felt throughout the whole experience, how he always looked for them and kept on filling up his bag with supplies in case he ever finds one of his brothers. Next to tell his story was Jin. He told us all about how he never stopped shouting their names. All he ever asked for was to find at least one of the members so they can shout together and their voices can shake the ground again, but this time, the ground should lead them to one of their brothers and not tear them even more. We heard Hoseok's story next, how he had been unconcious most of the time, and woke up with a metal rod shoved deep into his abdomen. He told us all about finding a group of people who never appreciated his help no matter what he did and always preferred others even though he gave them his all when he couldn't even help himself. My eyes started watering when he told us about how he thought it was all over for him, and that he thought he would bleed to his death all on his own. He couldn't even believe his eyes when he saw Namjoon, Taehyung, Jin and Jimin. At that time, he thought that he had already died and was looking at the most precious people in his life before passing into the other world. I tried holding myself back from crying at what he had to go through. The way he constantly smiled even it must have hurt him so bad tore me apart. If only I was there from the very begining for him, I would've taken care of him till the very end. I do remember seeing him smile while he was bleeding under the tree too, and that was tore me even more.

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