Chapter 21: Yamai Twins

Start from the beginning

"Waah!" I heard a familiar voice shout before six girls suddenly leaped from the captain's cabin and onto the main deck, then I realized it was team Hanzo and Kotori, then I realized that the voice was Asuka. "Please don't!"

"Oh would you look at that, there were no ghosts." Valentine sarcastically shrugged her shoulders while looking at us, but mainly glaring daggers at Jack. "It appears the deity of fear is afraid of ghosts."

"He guys, what's going on up here?" Zoro came up from the lower decks to see the six girls hurled over from the doorway. "...what on earth?"

"Kotori, Asuka, Katsuragi, Ikaruga, Hibari, and Yagyu all appeared to be hiding on the ship, and we just found them." Sujin explained to the swordsmen, who looked at the toppled girls and nodded in understanding. "So what's everyone talking about down there?"

"Franky told us that there's another pirate currently on the island, and we're not entirely sure who it is yet." Zoro announced, gaining all of our attention because we thought there were just the spirits there. "(Y/N), could you help us with this pirate?"

"Sure thing, but our top priority is the spirits, if at all possible, I'd like to get them a safe distance away from my [Breath of Rain] style." I explained, knowing full well that my style could kill just about anyone who's caught within range of it, unless they have a healing factor.

"That would see, like the better idea, but I don't think I've seen your breathing style." Zoro reminds me, knowing full well I don't use it that often.

"Guess you'll have to wait and see." I looked off in the distance, still trying my best to control the waves and watching as the island we were approaching grew closer and closer. "Also, have you guys ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?"

"Oh god here we go again..."

(Timeskip, brought to you by (Y/N) telling everyone the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise while Valentine looks on in mild disappointment)

Once we docked, I learned that the six girls apparently wanted to train on the island once they can, so I decided to let them stay on board the ship. With that said, the rest of us went towards the source of the intense winds to see if we can calm the spirit down a bit. Not the smartest idea, but it's better than nothing.

Sora, Dark, Sujin, Jack, and I went ahead to meet the spirit, and we played it safe by sneaking towards the spirit's known location. Valentine and I took the lead, just to make sure there weren't any traps or anything else that could alert the spirit to our location. Once we made sure the path was clear, we signaled for the others to come closer to us until we finally found a bush we could hide in. I crouched into the bush next to Sora, followed by me adjusting the leaves in front of me slightly to get a better view of the area.

Surprisingly, there were actually two spirits fighting in front of us, both of whom looked rather similar to one another. The main difference however was the fact that one of them had a spear and the other had a pendulum, I watched as the two kept on fighting but they appeared to be evenly matched in almost every category. In fact, they were so similar the only way one was able to win was if one of them tripped or slipped. Since this little fight seemed to be going nowhere, I decided to intervene by walking in the middle of it.

I made sure to order Hack to help with the winds first, however, that ruined the element of surprise a bit. Jack's technique forced his pumpkin head to glow brighter, giving away our hiding spot. On the bright side, the spirits' Wind was completely canceled out and left them confused. I took this moment to calmly step out of the bushes with my hands at my sides, revealing that I was unarmed, despite being a one-man arsenal.

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