Chap 17 - Stay

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My head felt like it was being hammered. The ringing in my ears fading away as I slowly regained consciousness. Tearing my heavy eyes open, I looked around to see that I was in a hospital room. The white walls along with the smell of disinfectant was all too familiar.

The pain was slightly bearable. My back and stomach hurt the most. I managed to ring the bell and soon enough in came a nurse.

"How are you feeling, Alpha?" She timidly asked and smiled to lighten the situation.

"Fine." My voice was scratchy. Noticing this, she quickly handed me a glass LG water which I gladly took.

"Where is Reece?" I asked her after finishing my glass of water. Her eyes were glazed meaning she was mind linking someone.

"He is coming." She smiled and took the glass from me. She quickly took note of my vitals and the necessary stuff.

A knock was heard and the door opened to reveal Reece. He was dressed in a blue shirt along with some black jeans. His eyes tired and adorned with dark circles. Clearly, the situation was taking a toll on him.

"You may leave now." He ordered the nurse and she bowed her head before obediently leaving the room.

"I apologise for all the trouble that you are going through." He slightly bowed his head.

"Where is he?"

"Still there. But it's a bit under control now. We were able to inject him with the wolfsbane with your help. He is in a stable condition now but still we are not taking any risk." He explained and I nodded my head. Their decision was right because letting him out now would cause more trouble.

"How long was I out for?" I questioned seeing the sunset from the window.

"Only a day. Your alpha blood helped you to heal real quick." He said sounding grateful for my alpha abilities.

"Am I free to go now?"

"The alpha has requested you to stay."

Unbelievable! What does he want now?

"For what?" It was getting at me. I felt irritated that I had to stay here longer. I had better not saved him at all.

"He did not inform me about the cause." He spoke and with each passing second I could feel my blood boil. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and answered him.

"Okay. Can I see him?"

"I will go and ask the doctor whether you are good to go or not." I nodded and he left closing the door.

The only thing running through my mind was why was he like this. Why couldn't he control his wolf? I wasn't judging him for who was I to judge him. I had my own demons too. I felt intrigued to know why he did what he did. Why was the mighty King like this? Was it his true self?

The questions managed to give me a headache. The door opened just in time and in came Dr Susan with Reece behind her.

"Hello, Alpha. I have checked your report. Your vitals and everything is fine. The wound has healed but you have to be careful with the stitches. Remember not to strain yourself and do not skip any meal. Your red blood cells count is a bit low at the moment. We will take off the stitches tomorrow or after you are done with your business. Other than that you are good to go. Just take your medicines on time." She finished in one breath and handed Reece a paper. He thanked her and she left leaving us behind.

"A pack member will come and escort you to your room. I have some business to take care of." He offered a smile and I returned it.

A few minutes after he left, a girl entered the room. She was beautiful with her blonde hair and baby blue eyes.

"Hello, Alpha. I am here to take you to the pack house." She grinned standing at the end of the bed.

"I am aware." She helped me get out of the hospital to the car that was waiting outside. She had offered to use a wheelchair but I rejected it. It didn't hurt so bad. The stinging pain was a constant though.

After a short drive, we were back at the pack house and in the room that I was staying in. With much difficulty, I took out my laptop from my bag and checked through my mails. I unlocked my phone and ringed Hayden.

"You are alive?" He answered on the third ring.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Damn it! I was thinking of becoming the new Alpha." He cursed and I shook my head at his childishness.

"Well, keep on dreaming. Anything that I need to know?" I could mentally vision him rolling his eyes at my question.

"No. Everything's fine. Stop worrying so much. How are you?"

"Like shit."

"Don't tell me he tried to kill you again."

"What else can he do?"

"You okay?"

"Fine. Had to get some stitches."

"What happened?"

"It's a Long story. I'll tell you when I come back."

"I'll be waiting." He sang and a smile broke out.


We talked until my dinner came and I cut the call. The previous girl had brought it. I am guessing she is a maid. I finished my dinner and took the medicines. Slipping under the covers, I fell into a deep sleep as the medicines worked their magic.


Sorry for the short chapter. Bear with me but the next chapter will definitely be better. Look out for some drama. Let me know what you think of this chapter.

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