Chap 9 - Disappointed

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My loud, angry footsteps padded on the floor as I made my way towards Xason's office and knocked on the door. His fucking decisions were enough to ruin my morning. A 'come in' was heard and I entered, slamming the door shut in the process.

I was fucking pissed off.

Xason seemed surprised by my sudden behaviour as he raised an eyebrow at my fuming form. I strode towards his desk, pushing away one of the chairs. I could feel the heat radiating off my body but now I didn't give a fuck if I shifted right here.

"Do you really think you can barge into my office like that?" He calmly asked, putting the pen he was using from his hand.

"Do you really think you can control me?" I gritted out. My patience was on a lose thread.

"I do not have time for such useless matter. Now you may leave." He waved his hand towards the door and I rolled my eyes, focusing my attention on the wooden desk. I took deep breaths. After a while, I was calm enough to talk rationally.

"You do not have time for useless matters then why did you order the patrol men not to let me go outside of the territory without your permission?" My question didn't seem to faze him rather it looked like he was expecting something like this.

"Yes, I did order that cause I can't have you go wherever you wish without knowing about your whereabouts." He leaned back into his chair.

Why was this so simple for him?!


"Who knows when you are going to shift and whose gonna be the next dead person. I can't let that happen." He casually commented and I lost it.

"So you are gonna fucking control me right now! What the fuck do you think of me as?! I am not one of those dolls who are just gonna put up with whatever shit you put them through! I am an Alpha and I have the liberty to do whatever I want, whenever I want. You don't get to choose that for me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

All my anger, frustration, restlessness was thrown into that little speech of mine. I was frustrated at him for trying to do everything for me. Like bitch, I have been taking care of myself for as long as I remember. Who the fuck do you think you are?

I turned around, ready to leave the room before I shifted into my wolf and do something that I will regret later. My plans changed when I was turned around like a rag doll and placed on top of the desk.

"What the fuck do you want now?!" I asked irritated.

He just smirked as usual and stood in between my legs. I could smell his familiar scent and feel the heat radiating off him. His silver eyes holding specks of gold and black.

"I would stay quiet if I were you." He whispered, his minty breath fanning on my face. Close up, he was much more hotter. His jaw was sharp, the kind that would make you want to touch to see whether it's actually real or not. His face was clean shaved just the way I liked it and his lips were close yet too far away from mine.

"You should thank me." He whispered, frowning a bit as if surprised that I didn't thank him yet. He moved even closer if that was possible. Just a few millimetres away.

"For what?"I snorted, rolling my eyes. This man could turn me on even if I was on my death bed.

He's my mate after all. Raima sassily commented

Shut the fuck up, you horny wolf.

"For controlling myself, otherwise I would have fucked you right here on this desk. We don't want that now, do we?" He amusedly whispered in my ear.

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