Chapter 15 Captain VS Kiana

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------------ Saturday evening, at the girls' dorm

"Captain, what's wrong? You seem more sluggish today." Bronya inquired.

"Haah, I didn't expect making teams for 60 people to take so much time and thought. I spent pretty much the whole day sorting and mixing to create teams for class A-1. Somehow, I managed to finish it before coming here."

I have to find who activates who's QTE, what their team skill is and what the leader skill should be. I'll also have to take in weapon skills into account.

"Captain sure is hard-working." Mei said with a smile

"Yea, unlike aunt Himeko who drinks while teaching class!" Kiana added.

"I'm surprised you know my working habits from how often you sleep in class." Himeko said with a menacing smile.

"Haha, I'm no better honestly. I plan to just sleep for the whole day tomorrow." I said.

"Captain, that's no good. You need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day." (Fu Hua)

"Yea Captain, you are always out of breath when you go anywhere on campus!" (Theresa)

Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that anywhere I go here seems to be miles long and that I'm not a superhuman!!!

"Uh, you're right. I should move a little more."

--------------------------- Sunday afternoon, Captain's dorm(mansion)

Haah, just woke up and got cleaned up. Man, it feels great to sleep 13 hours.

Maybe I should do some exercises? Eh, maybe later.

I'll go watch some T.V.


I pressed on the remote.

"Up in the sky, look: It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Homu!"



Imma just go back to bed.

Ding Dong The door bell rang when I was walking back.

I went to open the door. It was the girls.

"Hi Captain!" They said.

"Why are you guys here?"

"To make sure you stay healthy!" (Theresa)

Some of them had items in their hands.

"Captain, you probably haven't eaten so here's a bento I made." (Mei)

"Thank you!" I took a peek at it. Oh man the food looks so good and has an intricate design.

"Come in, everyone."

I went to place the bento on the dining table.

"Let's check out the secrets in Captain's room!" Kiana began running from room to room.

"Oi!" Why do you automatically assume I have something hidden in my room?

Bronya, Mei, and Fu Hua were chasing to stop Kiana.

And then Kiana finally found my room. The other girls and I finally caught up.

"It's the first time I've been in a boy's room.... it's different from what I expected. " (Mei)

"The room seems very minimalist and much cleaner than Kiana's room." Bronya concluded.

"Well Captain is pretty new here, so maybe he hasn't developed new interests yet." (Fu Hua)

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