After Epilogue # 2

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"Please, address me as 'Queen' in front of other people King Cassius. They can't know we are that close." Xena tells Cassius as they walk towards the mighty castle.

"Why tell Xena. People already know we are close. I was your slave, we slept together and that leaves nothing to people's imagination. So tell me, why do I have to refer you as Queen." Cassius questioned.

"Also, I don't believe a female can rule, I have told you time and time again. Her place is beside the male. I will never refer you as a Queen until you marry a King," Cassius and walked with his head held high, not caring what Xena thought. He just wanted to get his point across.

He was never going to give her the respect that he gave to a King until or unless she is a Queen to a King.

He did not found it fit for a female to rule and he had no problem saying that to Xena's face.

"Cassius... " Xena started but Cassius cut her off, he did not want to hear her say anything that would make him change his decisions.

He was that smitten.

"We will be late. A King should be punctual but then again - you can never be like a King." Cassius insulted and Xena felt her face burn.

"I don't care if you don't like me ruling but there is nothing you could do about it! I deserve respect and you are going to give it to me!" Xena exclaimed and stopped walking.

Their driver that was walking at the front also stopped. Cassius turned around, walking closer to Xena, trying to intimidate Xena - it worked.

Xena wanted to step down by the force by which Cassius watched her.

"I never said I didn't respect you. I do, but just not the respect I would give to a fellow King. I can punch another King, not you." Xena just watched him but then decided that she would just ignore him.

He can stuff all his opinions to somewhere where she can't see it.

Xena walked past him and the driver started walking too. Cassius clenched his jaw and turned around as well. Walking to the giant doors that led to the palace.

The gates were opened for them, the guards bowed. A person led them to the throne room and then they were stood in front of the King who led that kingdom.

"King Arnold." Xena curtsied while Cassius nodded while saying,

"King Arnold."

King Arnold placed a hand on the left side of his chest and also slightly bowed,

"King Cassius and Queen Xena. I was looking forward to your presence. I must say, it's truly an honor to meet you in person King Cassius."

King Arnold ignored Xena and Cassius gave her look that clearly said, 'No one will ever take you serious about leading a kingdom.'

Xena scrunched her nose but then cleared her throat which got king Arnold turning to face her,

"Queen Xena! You are even more gorgeous from up close." King Arnold greeted and Xena smiled.

"Shall we get down to business?" King Arnold asked and they both nodded, "Well why don't you both freshen up and then meet me in my office. They will show you the way."

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